With the end of quarantine, the tourism sector begins to feel a recovery


According to Žydrė Gavelienė, president of the National Association of Tourism Companies, the first signs of recovery are currently being observed in the tourism sector. Still, according to her, the number of travelers is dramatically lower compared to last year. According to the interlocutor, currently the best situation in tourist hotels in the country.

“If we consider employment in the sector, tourist hotels are the best. Their clients were from neighboring countries, obviously it is unfortunate that we do not have Russian-speaking tourists now, because in Lithuania they generally represent around 50 percent, but on weekends Weekend tourist hotels, which opened relatively recently, see a significant increase in tourists, “Eltai said.

Ž. Gavelienė noted that while tourist hotels attract more attention than big city residents, travelers can vacation much cheaper here.

“In hotels in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda it is possible to spend much cheaper and no less impressive vacations. After all, the cities received the majority of foreign tourists, here the most developed entertainment, but this year they were the most suffered, so prices in urban tourism are much lower, but travelers have not yet discovered it, “said the president of the association.

According to the interlocutor, when evaluating the situation of outbound tourism, only a small number of travelers choose such trips so far. According to Ž. Gavelienė, they are still watching what decisions are made to open the borders of other countries.

“Everyone expects what other states will open from July 15,” he added.

Ž. Gavelienė admitted that travelers who choose local tourism do not seek to save, but rather choose a better quality of service.

“I would say that people look at a quality product and naturally understand that it will cost as much or minimally more than last year. Looking for the cheap? We don’t notice much dissatisfaction. Naturally, the demand for local tourism is high, especially on weekends, perhaps a little lower during the week, “he said.

In assessing the current situation in the tourism sector, the Executive Director of the Lithuanian Tourism Association, Milda Plepytė-Rainienė Gavelienė says that the revival is truly gratifying.

“It just caught our eye then. Of course, it should be appreciated that the tourism sector has lost about a third of the summer season and this leads to a decrease in traffic, turnover, but compared to the current situation in May, the People definitely have more confidence in planning trips. We can already see what happens with the first week of July, when there will be charter flights to Greece, Bulgaria, since the planes are full. We can think that people long for vacations “, he said to Eltai.

“Lithuanian local tourism has also rebounded, we really noticed it, but our coastline is not very large, we understand that it is natural that everyone who wants to cannot rest here in Lithuania,” added the association’s executive director.

According to her, Lithuanians are quite active in seizing the opportunity to go to the closest neighboring countries: Latvia, Estonia.

“What we really expect, we realize from the travelers themselves that there is a lot of interest in travel to Turkey, when those trips can start. Turkey has been the country that has generated large flows of Lithuanian travelers for many years,” said M. Plepytė-Rainienė.

According to the interlocutor, trips to this country should start only in late summer, in August.
Ms. Plepytė-Rainien terminó emphasized that after the quarantine in the country was ended and the opportunity to resume the journey arose, residents were trying to find out in detail what their vacation would be like.

“We are noticing the change in behavior of travelers when it comes to information. People are very active in contacting travel sales agents, travel organizers, trying to find out as much as possible what their vacation will be like. What will be the I will start at the airport, what will it be like with the flight, will it be necessary to wear masks, what will be the transfer from the airport to the hotel, etc., “said Eltai, executive director of the association.

In addition, according to the interlocutor, it is notable that people have become more interested in last-minute offers.

“Perhaps they come to the last minute and decide whether to travel or not. The situation is really changing, with the Ministry of Health circulating each week a list of countries that self-isolation would not be mandatory upon departure and return. It is possible that travelers stay up to date, ”he said.

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