Coronavirus crisis: key news from Thursday


Spread of the virus. Two new cases of coronavirus were identified daily: an infected doctor at the Santara Clinics who attended a personal celebration. Currently, the virus has been confirmed to four of the nine participants in the festival, but experts say the situation is under control. The second case is imported: the virus was detected in an asymptomatic person returning from Sweden. Fifteen patients with COVID-19 are being treated in hospitals, three of whom are on resuscitation.

Sodra Reserve. During the quarantine, due to reduced income and increased expenses, Sodra began using the accumulated approximately 600 million. The head of the fund says that not only will it not be short, but that there will be another 100 million euros. euros

Half of few passengers. Lithuanian airports forecast that due to the coronavirus crisis in the spring, when airlines temporarily suspend passenger flights, this year the total decrease in passengers at all three airports will reach 50%, and traffic will be 39%. lower than last year. It is estimated that flight and passenger flows could reach the previous level only at the end of next year.

Reserve for safeguards. Another 14 tons of personal protective equipment have arrived in Lithuania, which is accumulating as a reserve after the end of the quarantine in preparation for a possible next wave of coronavirus. According to the Ministry of Health, some of the protection measures currently available should be sufficient for at least a few months.


  • COVID-19 was established for two diplomats from the Latvian Embassy in Egypt. In Latvia, no new cases are detected for the fifth consecutive day. A new case has been identified in Estonia.
  • The European Commission approved 9 billion. Value bailout package for one of the world’s largest airlines, Lufthansa, to tackle the coronavir crisis.
  • In Brazil, more than 42.7 thousand were detected per day. New cases of coronavirus are the second highest number since the outbreak in Brazil.
  • After three months of quarantine, the Eiffel Tower in Paris is reopening, but it will only be possible to climb it by stairs.

Important news not related to the coronavirus.

  • President Gitanas Nausėda did not attend the scheduled meeting with the presidents of Estonia and Latvia because the three countries did not agree not to purchase electricity from the Astrava nuclear power plant.
  • It has been announced that three main advisers to the President will resign: Jonas Vytautas Žukas, Sonata Šulcė and Aistis Zabarauskas.
  • Following discussions and outrage on the beach at Lukiškės Square in the capital, the Seimas undertook a project to establish that the square’s commemorative accents should be dedicated to freedom struggles.
  • Adas Jakubauskas, 55, is president of the Lithuanian Union of Tatar Communities and professor at Mykolas Romeris University, director general of the Lithuanian Center for Genocide and Resistance Studies (LGGRTC). He replaces Teresė Birutė Burauskaitė, who has been running the center for a decade.
