Another 930 MW of wind power plants will be built in Lithuania in the near future


Vjo jgain. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

In Lithuania, private investors plan to build another 930 megawatt (MW) wind power plant in the next two to three years.

All planned power plants will be developed without state financial support, announces the energy ministry, based on development permits issued by the regulator.

The energy is successfully developed by private investors: the sources of electricity generation are accessible to all, adequate regulation of sustainable development has been created, which in the future will lead to a large generation of electricity at market prices, says the Minister of Energy Dainius Kreivys in the Ministry. statement.

According to data from the State Energy Regulatory Council (VERT), the capacity of wind power plants currently built in Lithuania is 545 MW.

On Thursday, D. Kreivys will visit the Teli district, where a 68.9 MW power park is being developed. The first wind farm started producing petroleum-based electricity on a trial basis at the park, which began construction in July last year. The entire park should be ready by the end of the year, the company said.

The power park will produce a total of 13 Cypress wind turbines manufactured by General Electric.

The construction of the park is financed by a private shareholder, a loan from Grupo E energija and GE Capital loms and the German bank Bayerische Landesbank. E energija previously BNS stated that investment in the project will reach more than 70 million. EUR.

The energy group intends to build more than 1 GW of wind and solar power plant projects in Lithuania, Poland, Latvia and Ukraine within five years. In the district of Teli, old Tryki, the wind farm is being developed, the third park built by the E-Energy group. The other two operate in Paggiai and Ilutje.

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