Edit: The issue of sexuality was taboo in Lithuania, but a revival is taking place.


– Edit, tell me more about the field in which you work.

– I represent the DAO system of the Chinese teacher Mantak Chia, an extensive training spanning 5000 years. DAO practices are meditations, qigong, and sexual practices that, like Indian tantra, reveal a person’s sexual energy in a different light. After becoming a certified instructor, I decided to delve into the topic of sexual practices: after a while I started to organize the “Healing Tao Love” training for women who want to learn through sexual energy, get more vital energy, shorten the menstruation, avoid urinary incontinence, balance hormones, feel closer connection with your partner and experience multiple orgasms. After triggering negative emotions through meditation, women can accept their sexuality differently, love themselves again. DAO’s loving practices are closely related to modern sexology, non-traditional medicine, so I am constantly improving in these areas as well.

– How did you travel to these activities yourself? What did you do before you became interested in DAO practices and sexology?

– My path towards DAO’s love practices was like an internal blow, because until then I lived the normal life of many young people, ignored my emotional state and did not experience any orgasm. DAO practices have helped fundamentally change everything in personal life, to unite the inner world. Since I have been flying to Thailand every year for seven years to improve my training with Master Mantek Chia, he offered to attend an instructor seminar for one year. Without feeling like I became an instructor, I said that just to myself, but I wanted to help women who do not experience an orgasm, as it happened to me, so I created an informative website on this topic, I started doing personal training, little by little everything became seminars, camps. My activities started in parallel with the office work, i. as a leisure hobby, and over time it has become a main activity that gives me great joy.

Edit Esenku

Edit Esenku

© Photo from personal album.

– Why were you so interested in the subject of sexuality?

– Many specialists begin to delve into a certain topic for personal reasons: it was the same for me. DAO’s sexual practices were completely new to me, I changed my attitude towards my body, otherwise I accepted my genitals. If I couldn’t experience any orgasms before, now I can experience three levels of dosing orgasms: clitoris, G-spot, and uterine. Statistics show the approximate number of women who do not have an orgasm. Some women tend to beautify the situation, but actually 60 to 80 percent. women do not experience orgasm or have experienced it only a few times in their lives. I used to think that it was my partner, but it was when I started working with myself that I realized that the most important thing was myself: I have to harmonize the emotional state that hinders pleasure, the meridians of the body so that the energy can circulate freely in them. Meridians are no longer esoteric these days, their existence has already been proven by science and thousands of scientific articles have been written about the benefits of qigong.

– Does the fact that we don’t have sex have negative consequences for us? What if you don’t have a partner and you don’t want a one-day relationship?

– Regardless of age, whether we have a partner or not, all our bodies constantly generate sexual energy. But with this energy, we have to do something, remove it, otherwise it can cause problems. According to DAO sexology, if sexual energy remains trapped in the genitalia, this can lead to the accumulation of toxins in these areas and even later to the formation of tumors. Therefore, in the absence of sexual intercourse, to maintain good health, it is recommended to use sexual energy transformation methodologies. Women should regularly perform breast massages, bowling exercises with a jade egg, consciously direct the activated sexual energy to the head and integrate it throughout the body (hence the term “healing love”: sexual energy can heal). Men perform testicular, gluteal massages and perineum exercises, as well as transform sexual energy into vital ones through meditative techniques. A person who learns to transform his sexual energy becomes independent of whether he has a partner or not. With a partner, these practices can be used to spark sexuality, to ignite passion in long-term relationships. Without a partner, a person who transforms his sexual energy is no longer driven by sexuality, does not give up so easily to adventures overnight.

– How to divert sexual energy elsewhere?

– There are certain DAO love techniques that help direct sexual energy to the head and circulate in our body, but they only work in a general context with meditation and qigong. Sexual energy is neutral, it multiplies the emotions that we feel at that moment, so it is important to feel positive feelings before working with sexual energy. The physical body must also be prepared for this. In this case, help to exercise the spine, the pelvis, since the sexual energy must rise again, the spine must unravel. Bowling exercises and practices with a jade egg strengthen a woman’s genitals: By lifting a jade egg through the vaginal canal, we can also increase sexual energy, directing it from the genitals to the sacrum and spine. Sexual energy rises from the spine to the head and then returns to the genital area through the chest, gradually repeating sexual energy. The practice can be done simply by sitting in a chair, it can be practiced by practicing with a jade egg, it can be done while making love with a partner and the pleasure can be extended to multiple orgasms.

Edit Esenku

Edit Esenku

© Photo from personal album.

– I read an interview in which you say you need to “make friends with your sexual energy and then our femininity will be revealed”. How to do it?

– Women often say that they would like to be more feminine, trying to express their femininity through clothing, but still do not feel harmony inside. Femininity is basically the internal balance that women have by nature, only under certain circumstances is it removed. Women should not deny menstruation: it is a natural process that should not be ashamed or want to disappear with the use of contraceptives that are harmful to health. Women are naturally rewarded for experiencing more pleasure in the bedroom than men – three levels of orgasms. Unfortunately, without experiencing any orgasm, women begin to feel anger, dissatisfaction with being women, thinking that for men, things are simpler and they prefer to be born in another body. Returning to your femininity is helped by love of yourself, your perhaps imperfect naked body, the ability to experience the pleasure of loving your partner, etc.

– Why do not many women feel great pleasure in making love, why do they not have an orgasm?

– First of all, men tend to rush to have sex when women are not excited enough. A woman is like water, she needs caresses, time to boil at a sufficient temperature. Women are generally not as passionate and enthusiastic as fast as shown in movies; it is a deceptive illusion that makes women think they are frigid or inappropriate lovers. Another aspect is the psychological attitude. If a woman’s thoughts are not here and now with her partner, she thinks that the children look naked in the eyes of their partner or that they are in a poor emotional state; you will have difficulty experiencing pleasure. Orgasm can also be inhibited by alcohol, smoking, contraceptives, antidepressants, other medications, intoxication of the body, the amount of water to drink, malnutrition. I realized that the most common factor that prevents a woman from having an orgasm is too weak pelvic floor muscles. When women start bowling regularly, after a few months they begin to experience an orgasm in the clitoris. If she starts working with a nephritic egg: the results are faster and deep vaginal reflex points are stimulated during practice, the woman trains the entire vaginal canal and gives her the opportunity to move on to second and third level orgasms. I note that the nephrite egg I mentioned is a trainer, not a means of self-satisfaction.

– What do you think about self-satisfaction?

– Self-satisfaction can be good for health, but it is everyone’s personal choice. When a person lives as a couple, it is better to have fun with their partner, thus maintaining a closer relationship. When a woman is single, she can apply self-satisfaction more often. Self-satisfaction is also an effective tool for self-exploration, when a woman has never had an orgasm and wants to understand what gives her pleasure, how and where to touch to experience it: she can transmit this personal experience to her partner to caress it and turn everything into love. with the experience of a woman’s orgasm. It is true that there are observations that if a woman uses a vibrator frequently, it could be that naturally, without such an intense vibration, it is difficult for a woman to have an orgasm with her partner.

Edit Esenku

Edit Esenku

© Photo from personal album.

– What topics do you touch on most frequently in your training and what problems do your participants express most frequently? Do you consult men about sexuality?

– During my seminars and camps, I try to comprehensively cover the main DAO practices I mentioned, which are directly related to the management of sexual energy. When it comes to sexual practices, women mostly ask questions on the subject of orgasm to better understand if they have experienced something like how and what to do to change the situation. A woman often complains of urinary incontinence, which resolves after a few weeks of pelvic floor training (depending on the complexity of the case). If a woman doesn’t practice for a few months, the problem returns, but she already knows how to deal with it and tries to keep her tone according to her situation. I carry out training exclusively for women because I am a woman. I believe that in this way I can build a closer relationship with women by sharing my experiences. Men find it easier to accept information from men.

– How would you assess the interest of Lithuanian women and men in sexuality?

– In Lithuania, the topic of sexuality has long been a taboo topic, but today there is a revival. The more I talk about the sexology of DAO, the more women have at least heard of it, the perception is formed that this topic is normal, that the relationship of the couple also depends on the issues of the bed, so you should acquire knowledge in this area and take care of the health of their women. To first-time listeners, these things sound unusual, but the more they listen, the more they realize how much they don’t know, despite the fact that they have lived for several centuries, and how important this is to mutual harmony in a couple. Men often think they know and know everything, although according to women’s stories, it would be very helpful for them to at least read a book on Taoist sexual practices for men.

– Who are you a woman and a man? Sexy (s) and non-sexual (s)? Is it possible to put an equal sign between sexuality and femininity, sexuality and masculinity respectively?

Associative photo.

– Sexuality and femininity are interrelated, but we are talking about things that come from a woman, they are not expressed externally. Sexuality is the attraction that takes place between a man and a woman, an important component, as well as the love that helps maintain a relationship in a partner. I realize that in modern society, you try to express sexuality in a certain outfit, but it is just an outer mask, if there is no fire inside, it will be false. One template doesn’t apply to everyone, so I can’t say there could be an equal sign between sexuality and femininity or masculinity.

– What advice would you give to women who want to be sexy? What can they do today?

– First of all, stop criticizing your body: stand naked in front of a mirror, look at yourself and say you love yourself. Even if there are obvious flaws compared to social standards, love yourself. This emotional state of mind is very important for self-confidence. Then, start strengthening your intimate muscles by doing bowling exercises – by pouring more blood into the bottom of your pelvis, you will feel sexier. And the third aspect is to start combining bowling exercises with a jade egg, this can be done at home on your own according to the description or the video. Regular use of a jade egg will strengthen the vagina from the inside out and the pleasure of loving with your partner will be much stronger, making you feel sexy and safe.

– What do you like most about your job and do you have other activities that allow you to earn a living?

– What fascinates me the most is how women begin to change their attitudes towards themselves, how the desire to improve the current situation arises. Small changes in the sexual sphere cause great changes throughout life. It’s nice to know that I helped someone get to know themselves and their sexuality better. This activity of mine is the area where I realize the most, but I have several electronic stores to live that are also related to health.

Thanks for chatting!

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