Do you promise to go to the hairdresser? This is how you will have to do it now: you will also need to fill out the form


Jolanta Mačiulienė, director of the Association of Hairdressers and Beauty Specialists, said that from now on the procedure applied to beauty specialists is clear: “Everything is already very clear. Yesterday we received a detailed response to the above questions from the National Center for Public Health (NVSC). NVSC gathered all the points. Now it is clearer than clear.

However, according to her, the documents prepared by the government on the application of the passport of opportunity to beauty service providers were confusing.

“It just came to our attention then. We also used lawyers to find out the documents. I wish the documents were written in a simplified way. Not everyone understands the instructions that change so quickly: the instruction comes out, the correction comes out. To follow the pace of this train, we have to be very good sprinters, “said a representative of beauty specialists.

According to J.Mačiulienė, beauty specialists expect that most clients will get passports of opportunity: “We hope that our clients will return to the salons and not go where they went during the second quarantine: in the shade.”

J.Mačiulienė could not say whether the new order of service provision will increase the shadow in the beauty industry: “You will not have a camera next to the house of all beauty specialists. The shadow should not be served by associations, but by dedicated institutions. “

According to the representative, the employees of the companies will be responsible for verifying the opportunity passport; During the registration they will be asked to complete the form on the possession of the passport of opportunity and they will be suggested to come before so that the document can be checked without queuing. In the larger beauty salons, the administration workload will increase, but J.Mačiulienė could not say whether additional labor will be hired.

“We will try not to create congestion and queues. There will be gaps between customers. All conscious people do that. We are happy to be able to work and hope that the passport of opportunities will gain momentum,” said a representative from beauty companies.

“There is a lot of skepticism in that. I don’t know if the passport of opportunities is the great opportunity that could control a pandemic “, hesitated J. Mačiulienė.

According to her, some beauty professionals do not have passport options: “My colleagues and I are vaccinated and we fear nothing, but not everyone is so brave. “People have health problems, they fear complications, everyone is responsible.”

According to J.Mačiulienė, unvaccinated employees can also work in the beauty sector.

“There is no possibility of prohibiting an employee from going to work without being vaccinated. Opportunities for testing are sought. We are the people for whom testing and vaccination are not mandatory. Hairdressers only have to do this for the first time when they are going to work ”, explained the representative of beauty specialists.
