Kaunas residents are in no rush to support “protesters”: instead of working, they choose to protest against everything


Employer outrage and ‘gay propaganda’

“I support the Family Movement because these people are fighting for our values, for the right to live in freedom. It’s a shame that I have to work today, I wanted to go to Vilnius, but the workplace wouldn’t let me go. Imagine being told to choose between quitting work and a rally, or continuing to work. It’s also good that you at least eat lunch or go to the bathroom, ”said a middle-aged woman who met in Kaunas.

He admitted that last weekend he participated in the first march of representatives of sexual minorities in the history of Kaunas “Kaunas Pride”, he was on the side of the audience that protested against the march.

“Why are they allowed to march in Laisv Alley? To spread your propaganda and attract young people? Let them live and not show themselves, because it angers the people of Kaunas, ”said the woman.

When asked if the protest rally in the capital is supported by the overlapping stance on LGBT people, the interlocutor said that he believed that only the “Family Movement” could become a total counterweight to the “spread of gay propaganda. “.

I don’t like government decisions, but I wouldn’t like to support skeptical science

“Everyone has the right to protest and express their opinions. He also chooses which rally to go to and which not to go to. Personally, I do not accept some of the government’s decisions on the pandemic, so I partially support the protesters in Vilnius. But I would not really go. to this rally, even if I had the chance, “said the elderly Kaunas resident.

The man clarified that he will not participate in the ongoing protest just because he has a strong opinion on vaccination. Therefore, you are not willing to be in line with skeptical science.

“I am well aware of the diseases that invented vaccines have helped overcome. So, there is not much to discuss here. It annoys me that people come up with all kinds of reasons, not only do they not get vaccinated, they also don’t They vaccinate children. After all, the progress of science is enormous, look at the mortality of young children before and between wars, and what it is now, “said the eldest.

He mentioned that government decisions could be better thought out, taking older people, their limited opportunities and specific needs more into account.

“I have a passport for opportunities. But none of my friends, who even got vaccinated, had much trouble before receiving it. If a person is single, they have no children or grandchildren to help, it is not so easy to get that passport. Information is constantly changing, he said that he will broadcast it as if it were in pharmacies or libraries, and how I really do not know. Perhaps after this meeting the government will make clearer decisions, I would very much like the concretion, “said the interlocutor.

Protest action

Protest action of the “family movement” near the municipality of Kaunas

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

The protest was calledtamsybininkų party “

“It is very hard to believe that there are so many dark and thoughtless people in Lithuania. Instead of working, they choose to protest against everything: vaccines, masks, LGBT, a passport to opportunities and the Istanbul Convention. I wonder how many of those people You have read that convention, do you know that its main objective is to protect women from domestic violence? ”Said the young man.

The demands made before the rally for the resignation of the government and the holding of early elections to the Seimas were strange to him. According to the interlocutor, this is a sign of the aspirations of hostile neighboring states to cause confusion in Lithuania, promote mistrust in the government and divide society.

“A dark people’s party is taking place in Vilnius, activists are gathered there and angry people are constantly dissatisfied with everything. And the actors behind them don’t seem to want to come to power without the help of certain foreign countries. It is scary to think what would happen if the figures of this crowd entered the Seimas and formed a ruling majority there. We already have the example of Hungary, clerical Poland, I really wouldn’t want to live in such a country, “said the guy.

Do protests arise because people don’t want to live in ghettos?

“I support the protesters, I believe that this government should lift all those idiotic restrictions and resign together with the Seimas. Because it is impossible to live like this now. If a person refuses to be vaccinated, he is deprived of all rights, he becomes second-class. It no longer has to continue, “said the Kaunas resident.

The woman, who identifies the current government policy with genocide, said that she and her family are constantly discriminated against, living in constant tension.

“I do not agree that my children should be forcibly tested or vaccinated at school, I say this openly. As a result, we have become almost lepers and outcasts. What right do others have to call us “antivaxiners” and make fun of children? All such nonsense must be removed as soon as possible. And the protests arise from the fact that the government wants to take people to the ghettos, but they resist, ”the Kaunas resident was angry.

The woman also mentioned that she had experienced “digital discrimination” and could no longer express her opinion on the social network Facebook, because it was blocked for a time after the public debate.

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students.

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students.

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

Those not vaccinated were compared with those with open tuberculosis.

“I think there are two things to distinguish here: political requirements and conspiracy theories. It seems that many people are especially deluded, interpreting their rights in their own way, and creating the illusion that they know the essential truth that must be fought for. ”Said a middle-aged Kaunas resident.

He stressed that health checks for one job or another have been mandatory for a long time. As well as certain restrictions on individual freedoms in communicable diseases.

“Without a health brochure and mandatory investigation, no one would be employed in any bar or supermarket kitchen. Is this what we are talking about here? What coercive investigations? After all, even when a new employee is hired , you are asked to have a medical check-up, and in some areas, such as aviation, those tests are quite complicated, ”said the Kaunas resident.

The interlocutor stated that the right to “bodily autonomy”, the refusal to investigate or receive treatment is not absolute when it comes to the interests of other members of society.

“It is possible that a person with an open form of tuberculosis also does not want to be treated, but traveling on buses and trolleybuses, coughing, sneezing and spreading the disease. For some reason, no one is questioned that in such a case, the involuntary treatment of somehow violates their rights or beliefs. I do not understand that some people put their wishes or whims above the public interest, “reasoned the interlocutor.

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