I. Šimonytė on pandemic management work: who should be responsible for the 10 unvaccinated deaths?


“And who should take care of the 10 unvaccinated people who died yesterday? There are ten unvaccinated people. Among those people was a person who was not even 30 years old. The other was not 50 years old. Let’s ask ourselves: have we all done something to avoid this?

When people tell me that I have to study from Denmark and Sweden, I will gladly study from Denmark and Sweden on the same day that the vaccination rates in Lithuania will be the same as in Denmark and Sweden, ”I. Šimonytė told reporters at the Seimas on Friday.

According to her, it is natural that to someone the actions of the Government seem unreasonable, to someone it seems that the freedom not to be vaccinated is violated.

“But let’s not forget that not only people have the freedom not to be vaccinated, but other people have the right not to get infected, people have the right to medical care that is a matter of days.

Again, let’s ask ourselves if only a part of society here has rights, or if we all have certain rights and freedoms and should we reconcile in some way. The government is trying to do it in the best way it thinks possible, “said the prime minister.

To complaints from protesters that the government did not speak to them, I. Šimonytė replied that the government provided as much information as possible.

“And the more they toast, the more it seems that sometimes they get strangely involved in such strange discussions. Even on the benefits of vaccines, when people who discover the government’s arguments see things as denying them in some way, saying that those figures and the government’s arguments show something different. It seems to me that all discussions are valuable as long as they are discussed.

When the topic of a discussion is “you don’t like us, go ahead”, it is very difficult to support the discussion in a practical way because it is only the opinion of the people. They are entitled to that opinion. But I think other people are also entitled to a different opinion, “commented the Prime Minister.

When asked if the protection measures taken due to the rally organized by the Lithuanian Family Movement on Friday were not excessive, I. Šimonytė said he could not assess it. This, according to her, is done by the authorities responsible for security.

“I think the authorities are preparing based on the information they had, according to the risks that can be anticipated, and simply making decisions for the ones they had to take. “It is certainly not the politicians who make these decisions,” he said.

I. Šimonytė reacted on the demands of the rallies to remove various ministers, specifically, Arūnas Dulkis and Agnė Bilotaitė from the Ministry of Health and Interior, or to remove the Seimas, joking that if all the Seimas were removed, “all the ministers Resign “.

“But, as the news says, the Seimas can only function in accordance with the Constitution. That is, the respective number of members of the Seimas must vote for it. And the resignation of ministers is also provided for in the Constitution.

These are those who, in the opinion of the Prime Minister, are not working properly, or are calling for dismissal themselves, or are being fired by the Seimas during the interpellation procedure. “As far as I’m concerned, I don’t see any reason to fire any minister at this time,” he said.

How does I. Šimonytė evaluate the work of A. Dulkis and A. Bilotaitė, taking into account that some members of the Union of the Lithuanian Christian Homeland-Democrat who delegated them also express criticism towards them?

The Prime Minister said that if we consider Audroniai Ažubalis as the Conservative Party, it may be too honorable for one person to consider it a party.

He explained that it is natural that the people at the epicenter of the two crises receive the most criticism. As a result, she is not surprised at all.

“But I really see how much the ministers are working on, what they are working on and I am satisfied with their work,” said I. Šimonytė.
