A Klaipėda hospital patient died of coronavirus, an employee of the Santara clinics became ill.


According to Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), a 76-year-old has been treated at the Klaipėda hospital since late November last year and fell ill with coronavirus on April 18. He died this Monday of COVID-19 infection and other comorbidities.

The only confirmed case of COVID-19 on the last day was for a worker at the Santara clinic, but he had no contact with other people and was unable to spread the infection because he had previously been isolated due to previous contact with a sick person.

“This is a health worker at the Santara clinics and this person was isolated after the event at the Beer House restaurant, when the doctors celebrated on June 12,” R. Lienienė told BNS on Wednesday.

According to her, when one of the participants in the celebration became ill, the nine people who participated in the celebration were already isolated on June 14.

“It just caught our eye then. But it had no contact and the outbreak did not spread. This case is an example when we detect and isolate in a timely manner and then effectively stop the spread of the disease,” said R. Lingienė.

According to the National Center for Public Health, there are currently 232 people with coronavirus, and 1,484 have recovered.

The number of people who died of coronaviruses increased to 78, and another ten people who died of coronaviruses died of other causes.

There are currently 147 people in isolation.
