After the father was prescribed COVID-19, the daughter was shocked by the order at the medical facilities: Do you want to get rid of the old man this way?


It is all due to a positive test for coronavirus, which, according to her daughter, her father was infected at the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital (VMKL).

The almost 80-year-old man, in a wheelchair, was beaten in hospitals without access to bed, without drinking water and without personal effects and the medicines he needed. The daughter was very stressed at the time, could not help a loved one and did not even receive information about their condition.

“I don’t understand how it is possible to become a sick old man who has countless diseases, perhaps that is why he thinks more slowly, he reacts more slowly to the environment. The whole situation can turn him into an even bigger patient, and finally into a nursing patient, because he will no longer be able to take care of himself and the conditions are created by the medical staff, ”said Violeta, sharing her story with Delfi. readers, none have experienced similar experiences.

It all started in the second half of August, when his father was admitted to the Cardiology Department of the VMKL for a heart disease that had become obsolete during his quarantine. He stayed there for about two weeks. He also contracted pneumonia at the hospital, leading to an extension of the hospitalization.

“He was discharged last Thursday after discovering that the signs of pneumonia had disappeared and he was able to travel to the Abromiškės Rehabilitation Hospital from Monday,” the woman recalled.

When a man who received two doses of the vaccine in the hospital developed pneumonia, he underwent a test for COVID-19. So it was negative.

On Friday, after being discharged from the hospital, the husband had a low fever, which his daughter tried to eliminate with medication. Inflammation of the bladder has also likely occurred as a result of the infection.

However, by Monday the temperature had dropped by 12:30. the daughter took her father to the Abromiškės rehabilitation hospital for rehabilitation. Already on the way back to Vilnius, his daughter received a call from the hospital: after the patient underwent a rapid antigen test, she tested positive, so it was decided to take the man to the Santara clinics.

After the father was prescribed COVID-19, the daughter was shocked by the order at the medical facilities: Do you want to get rid of the old man this way?

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

“They waited about 4 hours for the ambulance to arrive and transfer to the COVID department of the Santara clinics. A person with special needs and difficulty moving sat in a wheelchair the entire time; He was not even given a chance to lie down.

He was transferred to the Santara clinic without any items. He left all his belongings in Abromiškės. It’s probably a staff error. After all, a person must have with him the necessary tools, such as diapers, the necessary medicines that he cannot miss, he has to drink every day because we will have a bad situation.

He had a phone with him and he could call me from time to time. I even asked him, “Did they let you lie down?” He said, “No.” I realized that there was not even drinking water, so at night I transported the water to the Santara clinics so that I would have that opportunity to drink water ”, remarked the interlocutor.

When the elderly man was brought to the Santara clinic, it became clear that there was no space at all in the COVID department, so it was decided to transfer the man, albeit from Vilnius, to the COVID department of Elektrėnai Hospital.

“When I called in the early evening, it hadn’t arrived yet. Before that, I called the Santara Clinics Admissions Department, where a very arrogant person spoke to me and said that he did not have time to argue and that Elektrėnai would provide all the information. What I wanted to find out failed. I asked why my father was being taken to Elektrėnai. He said that this is the system where, in the absence of places, he is transferred to the district hospitals, ”the woman recalled.

Subsequently, Dr. Valdas Pečeliūnas, Director of Medicine at Clinicas Santara, clarified to the Delfi portal that the COVID-19 coordinators are in charge of regulating patient flows. They make decisions about the need and location of a patient’s hospitalization, taking into account the patient’s condition, comorbidities, and facility occupancy.

Valdas Pečeliūnas

Valdas Pečeliūnas

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

“The employment situation of the institutions is constantly changing and the distribution of flows changes accordingly. Of course, patients also have to be transported to support hospitals, and sometimes they will have to, ”explained V. Pečeliūnas.

In Elektrėnai, according to her daughter, her father appeared only at 3 pm at night.

“At this time, I have no information about the condition or the subsequent treatment,” said the interlocutor on Tuesday afternoon. “We, our relatives, come to a kind of border when medical institutions abandon any responsibility, they send them from one to another.”

Worst of all, the staff of the National Public Health Center (NVSC) considered that the elderly’s family members who had close contact with him had had high-risk contact. as all are fully vaccinated, they should not be isolated, but the NVSC instructed all members to perform PCR testing to make sure they were healthy.

“I called the hotline. They said that they do not register for such tests and that it is the sole responsibility of the NVSC. They only record isolated cases if there are any symptoms that are not necessarily a consequence of cystitis. After all, flu season begins now.

We hit the wall again. I have to ask NVSC how to do those tests so we can rest easy. Because the Hotline said: even though we are vaccinated until we get tested and get the results, we must isolate ourselves. My hands and feet unite absolutely, because I can’t even go to Elektrėnai and hand over the necessary things to my father, who has nothing and I don’t know if someone will take care of him. The province is a province ”, sighed the woman.

Violeta was surprised by the situation her father was in: “Perhaps this does not apply to all age groups, but only to older people who already have enough chronic diseases, various symptoms. They are probably the most vulnerable individuals, blown away by the wind, for whom any infection could be a way out to another world. In this case, you have a phenomenon as peculiar as the destruction of grandparents, when you try to get rid of people as soon as possible so that they do not occupy places, do not occupy beds in hospitals ”.

After the father was prescribed COVID-19, the daughter was shocked by the order at the medical facilities: Do you want to get rid of the old man this way?

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

The daughters of the doctors learned that the father may have contracted the coronavirus with VMKL, where there was an outbreak and even some doctors with the infection got down to work.

“It just came to our knowledge then. As far as I know, all medical personnel have been vaccinated, but the vaccinations are 100 percent. It does not protect. My father was fully vaccinated as well, but he contracted that virus and maybe he contracted it staff or other patients who were there.

Although the infection is spreading there, it does not stop, the room is not closed; it is still working, the visit is also taking place; patients can visit the ward twice a week. What are the priorities of the medical institution? ”Violeta was surprised and added that there is a different order in Abromiškės Hospital. Accompanying persons are not admitted to the rehabilitation hospital after reception.

The interviewee questioned whether her father could have contracted COVID-19 elsewhere, not in the hospital, because when she was discharged, she only spent time at home, nothing else happened.

VMKL did not respond to questions from the Delfi portal about possible outbreaks. However, Justina Petravičienė, a public information specialist at the Vilnius Department of the National Center for Public Health, confirmed that there were outbreaks in two departments of this institution, but that they are currently inactive.

“The outbreak closes when there have been no cases in the last 14 days,” explained J. Petravičienė.

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