Restless return: COVID-19 outbreak in two Klaipeda schools


Students opened the school door just a week ago, but a coronavirus outbreak has already been recorded in two schools in Klaipeda. Outbreaks of the virus have been observed in up to eight schools and five kindergartens.

The teachers got sick too

According to Raimundas Grigaliūnas, Director of the Klaipėda Department of the Public Health Center, there is currently a coronavirus outbreak in a progymnasium and gym in the city.

At one COVID-19 educational institution, four employees fell ill and at another, two.

Until clearer information is available, R. Grigaliūnas did not want to name schools.

Outbreaks of the COVID-19 virus were also recorded in eight schools and five daycare centers.

“In one of these educational institutions, two employees suffer from coronavirus, in others, one each. However, the outbreaks cannot be called more outbreaks,” said the director of the Klaipeda department of the Center for Public Health.

Only half will be tested

Most of the sick workers were not vaccinated.

According to R. Grigaliūnas, the current number of COVID-19 cases in educational institutions is not very surprising. However, he realizes that the situation can change very quickly as contact communication increases.

Sad as it is, the virus is close.

According to him, more worrying are companies and various organizations, which are experiencing increasing morbidity.

Jūratė Grubliauskienė, director of the Klaipėda City Public Health Office, declared yesterday at the municipal Health and Social Affairs Committee that only three schools agree to take the test.

In other schools, the number of students willing to fluctuate a lot.

The total number of Klaipeda students who agree to take the test reaches 48 percent.

Klaipeda – ranked 53

Asta Dirgėlienė, Deputy Director of the Klaipėda Municipal Administration, presented the COVID-19 situation in Klaipėda at the committee meeting.

There are currently more than 950 people with coronavirus in the port city.

According to A.Dirgėlienė, the increase in the acceleration of the pandemic is remarkable. During the past seven days, 7.8 percent was detected in Klaipeda. Positive studies of all conducted when the number was significantly lower in July: 0.4 percent.

“Sad as it is, the virus is close by. And only people’s awareness and behavior can protect against the spread of this virus,” said A. Dirgėlienė, deputy director of the Klaipėda municipal administration.

Asta Dirgėlienė (center) / Photo by Vytautas Liaudanskis

Among Lithuanian municipalities, Klaipeda is ranked 53rd in terms of the number of people who have acquired immunity and two people who have been vaccinated. It currently stands at 53.2 percent.

The number of people who receive a single dose of the vaccine is likely to be significantly higher.
