The situation is heating up: COVID-19 unit has been opened in Kėdainiai, patient care is restricted


You already have serious cases

Rita Kuodienė, a long-time doctor who is now the director of Kėdainiai Hospital, is not happy and says that the open ward in Marijampolė a little earlier is already full and will have to be expanded, and so far 4 people one of the hospitalized the patients had to be transferred to Kaunas last week.

Not entirely due to the course of COVID-19, but at the request of relatives, since the woman is already very respectable -68 years old- and has many comorbidities, and is not vaccinated, so the relatives wanted to be closer to home.

The department was formed quickly

According to R. Kuodienė, now it was not difficult to create a department for the second time. The schemes were used for the development of the first chapter. There are all the necessary tools and techniques.

By the way, the doctors never fired the commanders. At all times he had to be prepared for all measurements at least a month in advance.

“We have checked the routes so that no roads have crossed and we have gathered staff,” says Dr. R. Kuodienė about the preparatory work.

What worries him the most is that staff are again distracted from current treatments, from patients, from other services.

Experienced Doctors

Kristina Šlepavičienė, a relatively young doctor, was appointed to lead the COVID-19 unit by a very young doctor, who was already working in the COVID-19 unit at a difficult time when the collision with the pandemic was a blow to everyone.

This doctor, as one of the largest workloads, who worked up to 1.5 positions, could also count on the head of the first department of COVID-19, a rehabilitation doctor, the head of the Kėdainiai branch of the Medical Association of Lithuania and the President of the Kėdainiai Hospital and Primary Health Care Center Raimonda Augienė.

As already mentioned, the department now employs 21 people. 5 doctors, 8 nurses and 8 nursing assistants started last week.

Restricted attendance

The compartment is located on the first floor of a separate four-story building because oxygen is easier to supply.

It will be recalled that 117 tons of oxygen were used during the entire “existence” of the first COVID-19 infectious unit in Kėdainiai.

Patients in the COVID-19 unit have a very high oxygen demand.

Access to the nursing home and therapeutic home for all patients is now restricted.

It should be understood that while doctors have never lost their vigilance, they have now tightened the rules again.

All hospital routes were re-examined so that there was no need to walk for the safety of the patients themselves. Visitors are not competent and can easily take COVID-19 home. Assistance exceptions apply only to terminally ill patients. Visits to them must be arranged with the treating or on-call doctor.

Whats Next?

“I can’t and I can’t predict anything, but at least there won’t be a wave of hospitalized patients like last fall, and the deaths of vaccinated people will be easier.” This is a positive consequence of developed immunity, which means that the effect of vaccines is, ”says Dr. R. Kuodienė about prognosis.

By the way, you can check if you have developed immunity to COVID-19. Sign up for a blood test and find out how many antibodies you have for € 11.

Ms. Kuodienė says that they now have 70 such tokens a day. As a result, registration was introduced, as it is impossible to accept 300 people a day.

If you are concerned about the side effects of the vaccine, we will be sad to tell you that doctors are not aware of the side effects of COVID-19 itself. And there is no guarantee that everyone will be infected with COVID-19 – easily or seriously.

The author of the article is Jorūnė LIUTKIENĖ
