SEL concert in Mountain Park cannot take place: did not pay the municipality and did not receive a permit Names


Just one day before the grandiose concert in Vilnius Mountain Park, Vilnius Mayor Advisor Remigijus Šimašius reported on Karolis Žukauskas.

“Is SEL going bankrupt? Or do you need advice.

The situation is this: tomorrow there will be a SEL concert in Kalnai Park. With all the prep, stage construction, and demolition, Mountain Park will be busy for three days. In addition, alcohol will be marketed. Based on this, the municipality colleagues calculated the fee that the SEL team must pay to the Vilnius budget, around 9000 euros. Previously, a similar amount was not a problem for SEL concerts, now they have not paid yet, so they have not received permission for the concert yet, although the stage is already under construction in Mountain Park today.

Colleagues just spoke to a representative of the SEL team, their version is “We don’t have that much money, we can’t pay.” Before it was possible, now it is not. They tell us there are 6,500 spectators planning (the ticket price is 35 euros, which means that there is already more than 200k euros of income here), I listened to the market, it is said that more tickets have already been sold.

But the SEL team says they don’t have € 9,000, they don’t offer any solutions (let’s pay after the gig, etc.), they would like a lower fee (although it’s all based on a Council decision, so not much space here to play market negotiations). In a word, think that it is simply possible not to pay the city and nothing here those bureaucrats will jump against such a star.

But we will try. Now we are writing with colleagues, what to do? Patarkit.

a) Do not issue a permit because the fee has not been paid, the concert would not take place tomorrow. Many grieving souls, but why do other organizers have to pay and can someone adjust the exception themselves?

b) Issue a toll-free permit and steal the pockets of all Vilnius residents: the city would lose 9,000 euros of legal income. For us to get this amount back after the concert, lawyers say, it can be a long and complicated process.

c) Wait until the concert starts and wait for the SEL team to stop playing what they normally play (here again, reliable news from the entertainment market) and as soon as it is convenient to issue a permit.

d) Write a letter to Paris.

If there are reader journalists, pick up and use this topic on portals about SEL’s difficult financial situation. And I apologize to your fans in advance if the concert does not take place because the city will not charge a legal fee. But if you don’t take the loaf of bread out of the store without paying, why should the city give up its spaces to commercial events for free? ”, Shared K.Žukauskas on the social network.

15 minutes On Friday night he tried to contact the organizers of the SEL concert at Mountain Park, but to no avail, no one answered the call. However, we hope to receive a comment on Saturday.

At that time, managed to contact Egidijus Dragūnas, who is going to give a concert on Saturday. This ensured that permission for the concert had been granted.
