The most passionate proposition in the struggle is stalling: even the ruling critics are criticizing


“The first thought was that perhaps the idea is not bad, but it contradicts article 52 of the Constitution, which says: when the State guarantees citizens income, when they become ill, unemployment, old age and other things. The further you go, the more you realize that you cannot normally make those decisions, “said Social Democrat A. Sys on the Knowledge Radio Facts and Opinions program.

According to the Seimas member, discussions on this issue have already advanced.

“It just came to our attention then. An emergency resolution was being prepared a month ago, in which I wanted to include this provision in the form of a resolution, which would be completely illogical. After criticism from politicians, journalists and others, We are moving towards the law, but I don’t see such a precedent, ”said A. Sysas.

The parliamentarian would like to read the law that so far has not been registered.

“Until I see the law, I cannot say how I will vote. Until now, I have taken an oath to abide by the Constitution, ”said A. Sysas.

Raimondas Tamašauskas, president of the Lithuanian Nutrition Union, believes that it would be better if politicians spoke directly about the objectives of their proposals.

“Politicians must make it clear that this is a desire to force people to get vaccinated,” said R. Tamašauskas.

Employers – for

Danas Arlauskas, president of the Lithuanian Employers’ Confederation, agrees with A. Sysas that these matters should not be adopted by government resolutions.

“It must be a law, then we can be guaranteed that it is not in conflict with the Constitution or other laws,” commented D. Arlauskas.

According to him, employers’ organizations support such proposals.

Not even supported by all the rulers

Antanas Matulas, a member of the ruling faction of the National Union of Seimas-Lithuanian Christian Democrats, does not support such a proposal.

“As far as I know, it was not the Minister of Health, but the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor who made such a proposal. I am against such a proposal. Because the Constitutional Court analyzed in detail the budget, contributions and services of the PSDF (Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund) in 2013, and unequivocally stated that everyone must pay compulsory medical insurance and to Sodra, the contribution may differ (depending on income), but everyone should receive the same services ”, – said A. Matulas.

In the opinion of the parliamentarian, it would be contrary to the Constitution to say by analogy that if a person is not vaccinated, they will be free of incapacity for work.

“If we already say that ‘if you get sick without being vaccinated’, then we should talk about compensation in parallel: we know cases in which there are side effects,” said A. Matulas.

In his opinion, such a proposal will not receive support in the Seimas.

“I don’t think it will happen, there are many against it,” Matulas said.

There is strong opposition from the unions

As previously announced, unions are outraged by proposals not to pay sick leave for unvaccinated people. Inga Ruginienė, the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation, says that paying taxes is becoming less attractive to the people of our country.

Inga Ruginienė, the president of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation, said that she was increasingly saddened by each such message. “I’ll be frank, it’s nonsense. (…) First of all, when it comes to the need to contribute to the common good, there is nothing to object. First, when it comes to equal rights, we should also talk of the measures used to manage a pandemic In our opinion, today, if we talk about the promotion of vaccines and the possibility that passports introduce restrictions on entertainment (…), perhaps that is the logic.

But we are seeing that the Government is deepening with the Seimas and is taking such drastic measures that, in my opinion, they do not fully comply with the principle of proportionality, ”said I. Ruginienė.

The head of the union confederation says that people are right to ask questions when he says, “If I made honest contributions, I would probably want to get benefits in case of problems. Otherwise, I will have reasonable questions about why I pay taxes in general. And is it not worth it for me to choose another path, because paying tax taxes step by step becomes unattractive? “.

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