Two questions on which Nausėda’s response to homosexuals is categorical: adoption opportunities and LGBT history lessons in schools


“I am against such demands. I believe that they will not apply in Lithuania. I, as President, will do everything in my power to ensure that such demands cannot be met at this time.

We have the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, when we quote it, we should also quote Article 38, which, for example, says very clearly what marriage is. There is a very good and honorable way, if we want to change some of our fundamental principles enshrined in the Constitution, we have to change the Constitution, and not pretend that it does not exist, ”G. Nausėda told reporters during his visit to Lazdijai.

Kaunas pride makes fourteen claims

The Pride of Kaunas will take place on Saturday. A thousand people are expected to participate, organizers say.

“12 p. M. (Saturday) all people are invited to meet at the Cathedral, Plaza de la Independencia. We will march through the Laisvės Alley until the end, we will turn around and return to the Cathedral, to the Independence Square, ”said Rokas Budrauskas, one of the organizers of the Kaunas Pride, after the meeting with the Speaker of the Seimas.

The organizers of Kaunas Pride present fourteen demands to the Seimas, governments and individual ministries.

“The first thing is to demand the right to marriage, the couple and the adoption. I think this should be guaranteed for all Lithuanians, “said R. Budrauskas.

The march will also require guarantees and social services for all, without discrimination based on marital status.

“This would apply to both single mothers and grandparents raising children, as well as members of the LGBTQ community. We also demand that the Negative Information Protection of Minors Act, which discriminates against the LGBTQ community, be amended.” R. Budrauskas said.

The organizers demand that people be protected in the employment relationship.

“Up to 32 percent. Members of the LGBTQ community in 2019 suffered discrimination at work. We believe they need more protection,” said R. Budrauskas.

They also require that it is not necessary to go to court to ensure a person’s gender identity.
“That a person would not have to sue the Lithuanian state, which could be done in a dignified way,” said R. Budrauskas.

The march requires schools, colleges and universities to learn about the history of the LGBTQ + community, the fight for human rights.

“We also demand a sex education based on science and human rights. We want health care where members of the LGBTQ + community are not discriminated against, but are accepted as equal Lithuanian citizens.

We want a pact worthy of gender reassignment, which was ordered by the Civil Code in 2000. (…) We demand that conversion therapy be prohibited. (…) We demand health care based on gender identity, sexual expression and sexual orientation. We would also like to see security for this entire community, ”said R. Budrauskas.

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