Palanga’s business says goodbye to the summer: “It would be a sin to complain at a time like this”


The Selfish restaurant, run by Polita, was open at the resort during the first summer.

Its owner, R.Vainius, was glad that the seafood restaurant is located in an exceptional location, almost in the dunes on the way to the Palanga central rescue station.

There was no shortage of attention to the restaurant, and guests had reserved tables for the weekends a couple of weeks ago. R.Vainius said he really can’t complain during the season.

“It is the first summer and I really appreciate it. Clearly, it hurts my heart that August wasn’t like summer. The weather has changed dramatically and no longer feels like June and July, when there were reservations for Fridays and Saturdays two weeks ago.

But we can’t complain in August either, only the difference is. It was very unexpected that it got cold so suddenly … We thought for a few more days and it would warm up, and, look, tomorrow is already September … But you can’t complain anyway, “R. Vainius said.

The businessman said that he had visited some parts of the resort himself, so no one should complain about what they had to go through, see and feel during the bad season.

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / Owner

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / “Selfish” Owner Renatas Vainius

“There were really people, in June and July the smoke smokes everyone at work, and in August, perhaps J.Basanavičiaus street feels more traffic, because it is cheaper, more constant and the outskirts receive a quality customer who can afford to run the resort midweek down to the restaurant.

I don’t think anyone can moan. In fact, I don’t know what was really bad when everyone was crying in the autumn, “smiled R. Vainius.

The restaurant will continue to operate in the rhythm of summer in September and expect a summer bob, and from October on weekends.

There were enough customers for everyone.

Mr Drungilas, director of the Kurortų pramogos company, has been operating in Palanga for 26 years.

According to Palangiškis, looking back at the past seasons, I had to experience everything, but, as the businessman said, over the years he realizes that it is necessary to reduce needs and expectations.

“Profits are never enough, companies seek to earn more and more. The race ended with emotional fulfillment and satisfaction, said D. Drungilas. – Such hot summers are not always very favorable for the service sector, but I want to say that there is always differentiation.

When it’s hot, then ice cream, soda, other drinks, something on the beach wins more, and there are days when it’s cooler, people entertain themselves.

I don’t remember years when it was very, very hot and there were no people entertaining the children and the children were not so afraid of the heat, parents can rest in the shade while on the trampoline.

Of course, in the bike rental industry, when it’s hot, it’s natural to make a difference. “

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Bicycles in Palanga

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Bicycles in Palanga

The businessman explained that looking at the last two years affected by the pandemic together, it would not be appropriate to complain, but it would be sinful.

“If I tried to see the downsides, I don’t think it would be necessary because it was really good. It could have been better, but that was better, not everything depends on us. Summer is good for me ”, – said D.Drungilas happily on the last day of summer.

Allow yourself moments of luxury

R.Sakalauskienė, 16-year-old owner of the Žuvinė restaurant in Palanga 15 minutes He said there was no shortage of guests this summer, and that it would not be possible to say that Lithuanians were frugal. Visitors also enjoyed tasty dishes.

“If it’s a good summer, it’s hot, lots of people, and that’s the way it was this summer. Who could have had a bad season? Unless the workers who work a little have a lot of vacations, located in some more special place.

As I watched Palanga, there were a lot of people meeting, a lot of Lithuanians, which is not typical, before there were foreigners and Russians, but I can’t say that Lithuanians were very frugal, they counted for a lot.

We also launched quite luxurious dishes: tuna, octopus, beef steaks, I can’t really say that they ate the cheapest dishes and drank the cheapest makeup. Lithuanians say they indulged themselves a bit of luxury during the holidays, ”said R. Sakalauskienė.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Restaurant

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Restaurant “Fish” in Palanga

According to the woman, going to a fish restaurant still costs more than eating a serving of zeppelins, but the guests certainly weren’t exhausted nonetheless.

“We are as happy with the season as we are with every season. The interesting thing is that June was really good, July was very good, it really exceeded expectations, but August, oddly enough, was always very good and the ending was weak.

Now, since the beginning of the month, due to bad weather, the billing has fallen drastically and the number of people has been unusually worse than expected ”, commented the businesswoman.

Fall brings hope and anxiety

Business is also hopeful in September, with the expectation of a great summer, and with it a greater number of customers who still want to enjoy the sunny weather and the autumn sea, which is warm and does not cool down as quickly.

“We have been working all year, for 16 years. I have seen it many seasons. It always flattens, there is no bad season. There was another place to go … And winters are all bad things that you don’t do.

This is the case of Palanga, new businesses come in and they think that it will not be bad, but here it is bad, it does not survive, it balances in the income-expenses threshold. The goal is to keep the team moving so they don’t forget about the restaurant ”, R.Sakalauskienė did not hide.

According to her, the autumn is awaited with concern due to the unfavorable laws for the services sector dictated by the pandemic.

“They pass the law, and the conflict is needed by the person who controls. We also build the waiter for that nefaina. Make one person apologize in every way for the whole situation …

We are a friendly, hospitable business, and here we need to become gendarmes. It’s not like …

At the moment we accept everyone, in addition to passports of opportunity, we keep our distances because there are no people anyway. There is no danger, ”said the hostess of the restaurant.

Many guests, but they fell short

“In fact, this year, I would really go so far as to say that it was better than last. In 2021, the main tourist was a local traveler with a shorter stay of 3 to 5 days. Previously, there were Russian-speaking tourists or foreign tourists who spent from a week to a month or more in the resort ”, summed up the season Rasa Kmitienė, director of the Palanga Tourist Information Center.

According to her, this year has increased the interest in cultural events, various employment programs, the need for attractive individual routes, which required the creativity of both the tourist center and the service providers themselves.

According to R. Kmitienė, even the worst weather in Palanga in August allowed a large number of guests to enjoy their holidays.

In various social networks we were able to enjoy the views, sunrises and sunsets of Palanga like never before.

“Many of our guests know very well that in Palanga you can enjoy water treatments not only on sunny days but also on cloudy ones. The Palanga pool, various spa and water treatments, entertainment in various hotels, recreation centers did not disappoint our guests, they were able to enjoy entertainment even in a less sunny period, – said R. Kmitienė.

– Favorite active tourism entertainment: bikes, jogging trails, wonderful “Labrytus” health trail, wonderful sunset shots, bindings and in person. We have been able to enjoy the views, sunrises and sunsets of Palanga on various social networks like never before ”.

Now tourism is waiting for the so-called velvet period to approach, autumn, when the mild sea, mild weather still allows you to enjoy the autumn summer.
