Doubts about the success of the Family Movement and government dialogue: some demands are shocking


V.Čmilytė-Nielsen met with representatives of the Family Movement who organized the September 10 demonstration in the courtyard of Seimas on Monday. After all, Artūras Orlauskas, Raimondas Grinevičius, and Algimantas Rusteika were not admitted to the palace, as none of them have passport options, which are mandatory for all guests of parliament.

Representatives of the Family Movement who delivered the list of requirements for the government to V. Čmilyte-Nielsen assured that the future rally will be peaceful, although they did not rule out that control is still slipping from their hands.

Did the president of Seimas, after listening to the organizers of the rally, reduce the tension? Will this time the protesters cross the line and will the action be different than on August 10?

There are many requirements

“I doubt that the ruling majority can speak to the protesters, whose list of demands grows by the day.

This movement began with outrage over the Association Law and the Istanbul Convention, and expanded to include foreign policy, border protection and vaccination issues that were not previously on the agenda.

Furthermore, it is unknown what new requirements rally participants will have to take the stage.

Judging by what is listed in the Family Movement program, there may be more unenforceable requirements. Few have probably read it, but there is such a program and some of the things recorded there are shocking. On the one hand, they are outraged by various restrictions during the pandemic, but they themselves offer to prosecute some institutions, “political scientist Rima Urbonaitė told Lietuvos Rytas.

Therefore, in the opinion of the political scientist, it is unlikely that an agreement on the content of the requirements of Monday’s meeting will be expected, one of which can be achieved, while ensuring the safety of the event.

“The organizers of the demonstration must understand that the riots and violence will not lead to any dialogue.

The family movement, if it does not want to compromise, must demonstrate in a peaceful and safe demonstration that it really wants dialogue.

But controlling a large crowd is difficult. Furthermore, the previous riots seem to have even inspired some of its participants. Therefore, there are risks, I would like to avoid them and this will be a test for the rally organizers, ”said R. Urbonaitė.

On the other hand, the political scientist emphasized that the government must also speak to the protesters, understand them, although many times the protesters themselves are unaware of the requirements: “Many people will probably reasonably think that such a meeting of the Speaker of the Seimas legitimizes the new movement.

But today, this movement is at such a stage that it can no longer be completely ignored. Such a gathering at least deprives the protesters of the argument that they are not spoken to, not listened to, and not heard. “

Officials will act differently

The meeting in the courtyard of the Seimas was also received by the leader of the opposition Saulius Skvernelis. But he is also convinced that it is impossible to agree on the requirements.

“Talking is always better than not talking. This reduces stress.

Regarding the August 10 rally, there was no reason to believe in advance that it could end in riots, and now that possibility should no longer be ruled out.

I think the preparation for him will be completely different.

This time, the police officers should be more strict in the application of the law. They have several options, including to arrange an inspection before attending the event, “said S. Skvernelis.

I enjoyed the approach

After meeting with the representatives of the Family Movement, V.Čmilytė-Nielsen stated that he had heard a promise that the planned rally would be peaceful: “They are going to talk to their followers, with whom they invite to the event to make it different. “.

By the way, the Seimas Spokesperson herself received an invitation to the rally, but yesterday she did not reply if she intends to participate in it, it will depend on various circumstances.

The politician also spoke cautiously about the demands that were handed to her yesterday. The leader of the Liberal Movement promised that they would be handed over to the ruling coalition, some of which could be considered.

“It could be considered part of these expectations, they are related to education, with the desire for the educational process to develop as smoothly as possible. In part it does not fulfill the obligations of the ruling coalition towards its voters ”, admitted V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

But he stressed that the main objective of the meeting was to reduce tensions between the ruling majority and the protesters, and that the first step in that direction had already been taken.

I promised that it would be beautiful

A. Orlauskas, representative of the Family Movement, also said he was satisfied with the meeting.

“The Seimas Spokesman has taken a step towards the people. That is to be thanked. He expressed his expectations for the rally, raising doubts that it could be similar to the rally on August 10, which ended with an unknown riot.

We reaffirm that our rally will be as safe as May 15th.

It will be a beautiful, brilliant, encouraging dialogue, ”said A. Orlauskas.

The organizers of the rally demand, among other things, the resignation of the Minister of Health, Arūnas Dulkis, as well as the provision that the association of both sexes can only be legalized by referendum.

Furthermore, the waiver of the passport and the restrictions associated with it are necessary to make the wearing of masks mandatory in schools.
