“Transportation mayhem” awaits early September: He told drivers what to remember


A spokesman for the traffic police said that in September, as every year, the townspeople face transport chaos.

Car congestion occurs when people crowd into town at the end of the summer holidays. In addition, parents drive their children to schools and groups. “Traffic is intensifying so much in the city that we notice that the entire city is almost stopped for the whole day,” said A. Dragūnas.

A traffic police investigator mentioned that one of the biggest mistakes drivers made in traffic jams was using a cell phone. Navigating or typing messages distracts the driver, they may not realize that the car in front has slowed down a bit.

This often leads to so-called technical accidents that involve vehicle damage, but not major damage.

“The congestion is not that it does not decrease, it doubles due to such curious events,” said the specialist.

Students also enter cities and get into traffic with their cars.

“Whose car is more powerful, he wants to appear in front of his friends, run. Other students who arrived after the holidays, were not in Vilnius or in another city, <...> They may be used to the traffic by now and do not know what traffic changes have taken place during the summer. Cities are changing, intersections and traffic organization are changing ”, – A. Dragūnas mentioned the difficulties faced by students who drive.

The traffic police are sending a message that in early September it is appropriate not to rush, to drive slowly. “If you do not know how to get from your home to school, you have doubts about traffic changes, maybe you drive at night, look in advance for traffic signs, what are the traffic conditions, how convenient it is to get where to park the car, “said A. Dragoon.

The police officer also warned that one should drive more carefully, because children riding scooters and bicycles are also involved in traffic.

“It just came to our notice then. Talking to friends and walking down the street, they forget to get off their bikes, scooters, go through the intersection. Don’t underestimate that drivers can’t see those kids that fast. Slow down earlier. to cross, take a look. Nothing will happen if you are a few minutes late, but you will save the lives and health of others, “said A. Dragūnas.

In the first week of September, the police will monitor traffic safety in cities. The agents will be on duty mainly at the crossings, assisted by police and other collaborating organizations.

A spokesman for the traffic police had advice and electric scooter drivers walking through the city. According to him, the basic rules should be remembered: slow down when approaching people and warn pedestrians walking on the bike path with an audible signal.

When crossing the crossroads, you need to get off the electric scooter or bicycle, cross the street, said A. Dragūnas.

With the arrival of a new vehicle in Vilnius, a blue electric scooter that can be shared, it is important not to forget some rules.

“This vehicle is designed to circulate on the street or on the highway, it is not allowed to circulate on trails, bike lanes. <...> A helmet must be worn while riding, “recalled A. Dragūnas.

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