In the Lithuanian neighborhood – Afghans evacuated: people do not hide their emotions


Two planes have already landed in Lithuania, with 50 interpreters and their families with their families. Another plane with Afghans in Lithuania will likely land on Thursday.

The first plane with Afghan translators who once assisted Lithuanian soldiers made Lithuanian landfall at night. The temperature in Vilnius is definitely not like Kabul, only 7 heat. Out of fifty new arrivals: 29 minors, including 14 minors and a baby. Already at the celebration, accompanied by the military police, he is transferred to temporary accommodation in Raseiniai.

(16 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. A plane with Afghans helping the army landed in Lithuania

And that place is the dormitory of the School of Technology and Business. The building is supervised by officials. Those who arrive with children seem to be already in the rooms. A man who has previously played soldiers shows reporters that he knows a little Lithuanian: “How are you okay? Go home. – Are you okay? “Well okay.”

The translator says that he is grateful to Lithuania for their help, he feels safer when he arrives than in his homeland. If Afghanistan ever escapes the clutches of the Taliban, he says he would like to return to his homeland. And for now, he promises to stay in Lithuania: “It is a very beautiful country, it looks great.”

Today, 50 Afghans have been tested for coronavirus, and in 10 days they will all have to isolate themselves. An Afghan man who worked as a driver at the EU mission in Kabul last week walks freely in Raseiniai: “Friendly, people seem friendly, both to me and my family.”

For Lithuanians, the neighborhood of newcomers is a surprise

Neighbors from such a distant country became a surprise to the locals. Some people fleeing Islamists even sympathize with the tears:

“Yesterday I saw on TV how the soldiers carry those children, I couldn’t, I cried. And he said he brought it here. I only wish you the good, the good. “

“War is war, don’t give God to anyone.”

“I myself was here this morning when they brought the first 50. Most of them are children, hangover.”

Still, the local Mindaugas says that many simply do not understand that these refugees are not the same illegals who flow from Belarus. People have different opinions:

“It just came to our notice then. And the war on Facebook between commenters.”

“It just came to our knowledge then. Since the war. But here people have nothing to eat or where to live. They are still needed. So who will feed them? Retired Lithuanians?

The mayor responds that many more locals are benevolent and even offer support for food or hygiene measures. And it’s comforting that students don’t have to live with refugees.

“We pay attention to being local, as much space as possible to live as comfortably as possible. And we will definitely solve the problem of the students so that they do not duplicate or live with the Afghans here, ”says Raseiniai Mayor Andrius Bautronis.

Andrius Bautronis (Teodoras Biliūnas / Photobank)

There are already a hundred Afghans seeking asylum in Lithuania. Another plane with interpreters and family members landed at Vilnius airport on Wednesday afternoon. A third plane will likely arrive on Thursday as well. In total, Lithuania will accept about 170 Afghans.

In Kabul, the action continues, and at the epicenter, soldiers from our special operations forces. As they say themselves, the Kabul airport has now become a huge military base. Our people do not drive through Kabul, but drive Afghans who helped Lithuania from the airport entrances.

“We have certain identifying signs in mind, there’s our tricolor flag and the like, and some other signs, and then when we recognize ours, we try to invite them to come to the edge of that stream, and then we throw it out of that stream, just physically, ”says Gintautas Ciunis, a Lithuanian soldier in Afghanistan.

With the necessary people, our soldiers transport them for about 6-7 kilometers to the place where they set up a makeshift base in a former repair hangar. They use the found and abandoned cars, which were also decorated with Lithuanian posters, so that they would be recognized in the territory and no one would drive the cars themselves. The Taliban themselves are outside the airport area, the perimeter of which is guarded by US forces.

“There are kind of wild afternoons here, in fact completely wild afternoons where there are a lot of players. “Many armed forces around the world, all doing the same job, are all interested in their own success first and foremost,” he continues.

Our soldiers say they have not yet felt the imminent threat, but the atmosphere is tense.

“The shots are heard, they are often heard from all sides, they can be used for various purposes, the shots are fired into the air, because there are traffic jams at the translators’ points, really inhuman, huge numbers and traffic jams. They are really dangerous, We have heard that there are dead people in the traffic jams, people, ”says Ciunis.

(photo by Arvydas Anušauskas on Facebook)

Our soldiers will be the last to return to Lithuania, when all the assistant translators and their families will be in Lithuania. The Department of Migration estimates that these people will receive refugee status within a month. However, it remains to be determined that there are no dangerous people between arrivals.

“Risks always exist, because the contracts were concluded 8, 10, 15 years ago. You yourself understand that many things could have changed during that time, so the second department of operational services will also carry out surveys”, assures the minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas.

The government allocated 600 thousand LTL to guarantee the needs of the translators and their families in Lithuania. euros.
