among the proposals is mandatory vaccination


Most of the draft resolutions included – 84 packages related to the implementation of the provisions of the Government Program, other projects related to the implementation of the provisions of EU legal acts – 28 packages, judgments of the Constitutional Court, conclusions of the State Audit Office and Special Investigation Service recommendations – 7 packages.

As usual, the Government will also present to the autumn session of the Seimas the projects related to the approval of the state and municipal budgets, the State Social Security Fund and the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund.

In its fall session, the Ministry of Health (SAM) proposes to introduce mandatory vaccination of workers in certain professions against a communicable disease for which an emergency and / or quarantine has been declared at the state level.

SAM also seeks to ensure that workers who must undergo mandatory preventive testing for COVID-19 are paid by the employer or the worker himself and not by the state.

Among the proposals of the Ministry is a project aimed at establishing that the social insurance benefit for illness due to contagion of a communicable disease for which an emergency and / or quarantine has been declared at the state level would not be paid to a person who has not been vaccinated against a communicable disease. Exceptions would apply in cases where a person has not been vaccinated for medical reasons, has contracted the disease or has not had access to the vaccine.

For its part, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports (ŠMSM) proposes amendments to the Law on Science and Studies to eliminate disproportions in the conditions of admission to higher education institutions and amendments to the Law on Education and Vocational Training. Regional market, employer, supply and demand.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Social Security and Labor (SADM) in the autumn session proposes to adopt amendments that provide for a systematic annual increase in the wages of workers with lower incomes, an increase in the amount of the allowance for care and conditions more favorable for single-parent families to rent social housing.

The Ministry will also propose changes related to parental leave in the autumn session of the Seimas. SADM proposes to provide non-transferable parental leave, new opportunities for flexible working conditions, and opportunities for parents raising their children on parental leave to work and receive parental benefit for the entire period of parental leave, as long as the amount of benefits and salaries do not exceed the previous salary.

The Ministry of Social Affairs will propose to modify the indexation procedure for social security pensions and establish the indexation procedure for the one-person benefit, as well as provide that widowhood pensions and one-person social security benefits cannot be deducted. In turn, one of the most important proposals of the Ministry of the Environment is a tax on drivers of polluting vehicles.

“To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and apply the ‘polluter pays’ principle, change the motor vehicle registration tax to the motor vehicle pollution tax, set a fee for vehicle drivers per vehicle pollutants, which would be paid for when registering a vehicle for the first time in Lithuania and to encourage that only new low-emission vehicles be used each year for use, ”according to the ministry’s proposal.

Meanwhile, among the initiatives of the Ministry of the Interior (MoI), the proposal is related to the legal status of foreigners. However, the modifications to the provisions of the law related to the asylum procedure initiated by the Ministry are not detailed.

“Improve the provisions of the law related to the asylum procedure after declaring a state of war, a state of emergency, as well as an emergency or emergency situation due to a massive influx of foreigners in the state,” include the proposals of the Ministry of Interior. The fall session of the Seimas will begin on September 10th.
