You have to wait for the passport of opportunity at the Registration Center: “You know, this is half a joke”


The Registration Center assures residents that they will soon be able to obtain a passport at Sodra or pharmacies.

In Kaunas, a huge queue near the Registration Center: fifty elderly people gathered to collect a passport of opportunity. People of respectable age are outraged because they get tired of waiting for a paper queue:

“So when you get vaccinated, you could have a proper role so you don’t have to chase people. You know, it’s half a joke. “

“For a long time, for a long time, my legs hurt, my legs hurt, they only tend to my legs.”

“The nonsense is pure with those passports, we went to the polyclinic for the vaccines, they were issued there and everything, and now we go, especially at a respectable age. Sheer nonsense. “

“It is difficult to be able to give those passports in many places, not only here.”

“What a nuisance here if all the beggars are standing here where they don’t have electronic gadgets.”

“Do I have a choice? I have no choice but to go elsewhere. “

“What does it have to contribute to everyone? Maybe Karbauskis will bring it?

(6 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Several people in Kaunas near the Records Center – a passport of opportunities has arrived

A huge queue also stretches into the Alytus district nursing home: Simne. People have been waiting for the Registration Center staff since morning, who print the opportunity passports for free in the senior building. Such a document is available to people who are fully vaccinated, have a history of coronavirus, and have sufficient antibodies.

Although the distribution of Simne passports officially began at 11 a.m., the locals started choosing at 10 o’clock and lined up:

“We came, people, people, how many … 10 of us came little by little and we sat down at the end to wait … I think I’m going to come, but that’s my turn.”

“I will use, and what I know, both in the store and on the bus.”

“In the store, I’m going to Poland, to Germany.”

Vladas Čeponis, the eldest of Simnas, also did not expect such an enclave from the inhabitants:

Diana Vilytė, Director of Service Management at the Registry Center, assures residents that it will soon be easier for older people to obtain a passport of opportunity, at the Sodra branch or pharmacy, that they could print the documents at home.

Director of the Public Procurement Office Diana Vilytė

“We focus on older people, but the middle generation also comes in and backs down,” he says.

“And how long are you going to do? – In ten minutes. Well, your name, year of birth … This is the passport of opportunity. I say 40 euros “.

Trade in forged documents

As long as the locals queue for the passports of opportunity, the guerrillas do not use them and falsify these documents. The “What’s Going on Kaunas” team recorded how people exchange fake passports in Kaunas cafes and bars. Scammers offer to buy a fake document for 40 euros. The Minister of Health, Arūnas Dulkys, does not wrap words in cotton wool and calls such human behavior futility.

“Every counterfeit, every evasion, every fraud is, in a sense, a waste and a disregard for the needs of society, of society as a whole,” he says.

Due to the forgery of the passport of opportunity in Laisvės Alley, the Kaunas police have started to clarify the circumstances and collect data. And there is no shortage of calls to the possibility of forging or forging passports on the Internet, and various offers to purchase counterfeit tickets are spreading in closed social groups.

“We have another clarification of the circumstances, at the Kaunas District Police Station, because at the beginning of last week a resident was notified that a Kaunas District resident was offering a fictitious passport on a closed channel,” the representative explains. Kaunas Police Officer, Odeta Vaitkevičienė.

And so that a person cannot use a forged passport, it is necessary not only to scan the QR code, but also to ask the person for an identity document. It is true that there is no obligation to do so, which is why not all cafe and bar owners do it.

“If there are suspicions about the possibility of a person’s authenticity passport, it is possible to ask for an identity document and many people ask me and have already asked me, this procedure seems to me to work”, assures the Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė .

Aušrinė Armonaitė

And while September 13 is still there, companies are already preparing in advance for this date, when many services and points of sale throughout the country will only be able to serve customers with opportunity passports. Vytautas Labeckas, director of the security services company Ekskomisarų biuras, has been looking for 150 more employees for some time to help supermarkets verify passports.

“It depends on the design of the mall itself and that store. One clerk would probably suffice with a main entrance, but there are supermarkets with 3-5 entrances. An employee will appear at each door ”, he adds.

As of September 13, according to the Government’s decision, in addition to the passport, it will be possible to visit only the stores of basic necessities, which have an independent entrance from the outside and their commercial surface does not exceed 1,500 square meters.
