Lithuanians shake off most drinkers’ labels, but women are concerned


– Excellent alcohol consumption fromafraid Lithuania no longer dominates the statistics. Kcauses and changes led to improveto situationsto?

– I am glad that Lithuania has got rid of the label of the country that consumes the most alcohol in the world.

According to 2020 data, 11.4 liters of absolute alcohol are consumed per capita over 15 years of age. This number includes those legally acquired in shops, cafes, bars. However, there is still room for improvement in these statistics.

This is related to the balanced policy of the state, which focuses on measures to reduce supply and demand. It would not have been possible to achieve such positive results simply by banning advertising and increasing the price.

– Yes Would it be possible to count illegally acquired alcohol, how would that change the statistics?

– According to scientific calculations, the amount of alcohol not accounted for in total consumption is between 7% and 8%.

– is long termIn this perspective, indicators are observed according to which in lithuania Could alcohol consumption be further reduced?

– The structure of alcohol consumption has not changed for many years. Dominate the beer, followed by the spirits. In 2020 alone, the increase in the consumption of wine and other fermented beverages stands out.

Gražina Belian

Gražina Belian

In the past, there was a fear that Lithuania, as part of the post-Soviet culture, would become a country of strong alcoholic beverages, but this did not happen.

Comparing 2019 and 2020, the consumption of spirits increased by 300 ml. In our opinion, this is due to a pandemic. In closed cafes and restaurants, the same drinks were bought for domestic consumption.

Health indicators are improving

It is very important to emphasize that health indicators are improving.

International organizations acknowledge that the situation in Lithuania is constantly improving. Decrease in the number of alcoholic psychoses, cases of white fever, diseases associated with chronic alcoholism, pancreatitis. It is important to maintain these trends.

It is also very gratifying that a new generation is growing up, between the ages of 15 and 16. adolescents – abstentionists. In Europe, we are among the countries with the best statistics.

VIDEO: 15/15: We got rid of the “title” of the most drinking nation. How long?

Lithuania is no longer the nation that drinks the most alcohol, which is the state took over this shameful title?

– These data have not yet been published by the World Health Organization. For the moment, we are relying on information obtained by participating in international events where Lithuania has been criticized.

We are currently being identified as a country that has adopted good practices.

We are certainly hearing about other countries where alcohol problems are on the rise. I would not like to name them specifically. Let’s wait for the official statistics from the World Health Organization.

– The number of women who regularly consume alcohol in Lithuania is increasing. What does this mean?

– This is a new alarm. Experts tend to think that this is the effect of a pandemic period. This group is likely to be the least protected and the most vulnerable to date.

This data collection is new enough. We are thinking of measures to prevent this negative trend.
