The Vilnius resident who visited the dentist did not expect this: the received invoice caused a shock


Žaneta from Vilnius reached out to the news portal and told the story about his disagreements and the Euromed clinic in Naujoji Vilnia regarding the repair of teeth of minor children. The woman says she was asked to pay for services that should be provided to the children free of charge.

“I signed up children for dental repair. We went on April 26 to fix my 9 year old son’s teeth, we repaired it and told him to pay 37 euros. I started looking for information on whether this is really a paid service for children because that clinic is semi-private. My children sign up.

On April 28, her eldest daughter (16 years old) went for dental hygiene, for which she also had to pay 29 euros. <...> We do not choose any additional services. The son just needed to fill his tooth. No implants were needed, nothing. It only seals the cavities. The daughters did dental hygiene. Nobody said that it would be necessary to pay it ”, the woman begins the story.

He was asked to check in with another doctor.

Žaneta paid for the dental repair, as demanded by the doctors, but when he returned home, he submitted an application to the Vilnius Territorial Health Insurance Fund and received a reply that the children should receive free treatment.

“We were registered again for dental treatment [sūnui reikėjo dar vieno apsilankymo] June 17. Doctors said health insurance funds responded that children should receive free treatment. He then called a clerk who said it was from the health insurance fund. [klinika] Receive only 14 euros.

He also said that he might not pay for treatment that day. I had already written a complaint to the health insurance fund that the staff were already aware of when we came to have our teeth repaired the second time. <...> When we arrived the second time, a man from the administration was already waiting for us. He said that he would now fix the boy’s tooth, issue a bill, but still couldn’t pay it. When we left, the dentist said she was a very qualified specialist and would check in with another doctor next time. <...>“Says Žaneta.

The child during a visit to the dentist.

Agreed to return the money

In early August, Žaneta visited the clinic again, where she was assured that money had been paid for the services of a dentist. The amount paid was promised to be reimbursed in cash and called when everything was ready.

“But the money was not recovered until August 16, when I called them. When I arrived, I received an envelope with 66 euros, along with a blank receipt that I had to fill out myself and note how much money they returned to me. I was in shock, ”says the woman.

Žaneta says that in her story she wants to warn other parents not to be fooled:

“I just don’t want Naujoji Vilnia residents to pay for what they shouldn’t have. For children, simple dental treatment should be free. I understand that it is partially paid for adults, but children under 18 must have free dental treatment. How much money do you collect when you charge for the repair of children’s teeth? I have 4 children, so if each dental repair costs 37 euros, I’m sorry … “.

The news portal tried to contact the “Euromed” clinic, but was unsuccessful.

Named when to pay for dental services for children

Rasa Savičiūtė, Chief Specialist of the Division of Expertise and Control of Services of the State Health Insurance Fund under the Ministry of Health (VLK), commented to the news portal in which cases they have to pay for care services child medical.

Visit to the dentist

If a family is registered in a private clinic and has its own GPs, are the children paid for medical check-ups?

The services of a general practitioner or team of doctors (internal medicine doctor, pediatrician, obstetrician and surgeon together) are provided free of charge to people covered by mandatory health insurance (PSD) if that personal health care institution (ASPI) (either private or private), public), to which the patient is subscribed, has a contract with the Territorial Health Insurance Fund (ICD) for the provision of family doctor services.

The same procedure applies to children: the services of a family doctor are provided free of charge, that is, they are paid out of the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund (PSDF). We remind you that in Lithuania, children are prohibited from PSD at the expense of the state.

What is important to know for parents who use the services of family doctors, dentists (and not only) in private clinics? In which cases are services paid and in which cases are they not paid?

When deciding to enroll (choose a GP) for one or the other ASPI, patients must first find out if the institution has a contract with the ICD for the health services they will want to receive there. If the selected ASPI has not entered into a contract with the ICD for the provision of one or another health service, the patient must pay it at the prices established by the institution.

Detailed information on PSDF funded services must be provided at each treatment facility that has a contract with the ICD.

We would like to point out that primary dental care is a complex of non-specialized primary dental personal health care services. These services include: treatment of cavities, treatment of pulpitis, some types of periodontitis, removal of tartar, extraction of teeth and dental roots, diagnosis of precancerous diseases, prevention of cavities in children (smoothing services), detection and prevention of anomalies, treatment of temporary inclusions, dental injuries, etc.

The institution that has entered into a contract with the ICD for the reimbursement of costs for ambulatory primary health care (PAASP) is responsible for the provision of ambulatory primary dental health care services. Primary dental services are generally provided in the same institution as the family doctor.

The PAASP institution to which the person is a signatory must also provide initial dental care. Therefore, if an institution does not have a dentist (that is, it does not provide primary outpatient dental care), the patient should receive information that the dental clinic provides free primary dental services (PSDF reimbursed) to those who have enrolled in that institution.

It is important to know that children, students in full-time general education schools, full-time units in vocational schools up to the age of 24, and socially disadvantaged people do not have to pay for primary dental services or dental care. fillings or other dental materials. , since these services for the insured are reimbursed by the PSDF. Socially disadvantaged residents must present a certificate from the social support department of the municipality of residence.

At that time, other insureds have to pay for fillings or dental and disposable materials during the treatment of their teeth at the polyclinic where they are registered. Therefore, the patient’s funds are reimbursed for the doctor’s work and the patient is reimbursed for materials and disposables used for dental treatment.
