These Lithuanian Forest Creatures Scare Others – Warn Them How To Deal With Them


The man says that we do not have snakes in Lithuania to fear: “We should be more careful with ticks, mosquitoes and snails. It is very unlikely that the snake will bite us because it is a very careful snake that listens perfectly to the steps of the human body. The snake realizes that some large object is approaching, which can crush it, so it tries to escape, and if it gets stuck, it whistles loudly so that the guest of nature safely avoids the hostess and does not climb on her .

The snake is more likely to hide in mosses, chimneys, and a person will put their hand there while feeding on berries or mushrooms. “

The toxicity of a sore throat.

G. Paškevičius says that people do not understand snake venom because it is not a very dangerous snake. In Lithuania, while looking at the history of medicine, no deaths have been recorded since the anthrax bite.

Common snake

“Carbohydrate poisons are hemotoxic, which means they affect the circulatory system. The poison can be dangerous to the elderly, people with heart disease, and children. My colleagues and I joke that poison is one of the vitamins for a healthy person. Of course, you shouldn’t experiment that way. “Says the interlocutor.

The viper is most often bitten by forest product pickers – berry pickers, mushroom pickers, but, according to the biologist, these people are often intoxicated. Alcohol dilates the blood vessels and the person himself does not even feel that he has been bitten: “Actually, a bite is painless, it feels like being caught with a branch of a tree or a bush. After the sting, you may feel dizzy and nauseous, but it all passes quickly enough because the blood vessels are dilated and the venom spreads gently throughout the human body. As a result, you don’t even feel like something happened. “

What to do if a snake bites

The jungle man says that if you have already seen a snake bite, do not try to suck or cut the venom in any way, do not self-medicate: and the venom from the venom is more likely to cause blood clots in the blood vessels, it which can cause blood clots. “

You must go to the treatment center and tell what happened. You will receive urinary medication, possibly something for allergies, if you have any symptoms. You will lie down in the hospital until the hour of the day and you will travel home, everything, nothing terrible ”.

Where the snake hides

Usually we can find a snake in the pine forests where there is moss, and if there is still a swamp in that pine forest, we can definitely see a snake.

“They choose solar heated wetlands, high marshes, because shallow marshes are not suitable for them. He loves islands, for example, Čepkeliai raiste is an island of snakes called locals, there are really a lot of snakes there, but it is difficult to go to that islet.

Another thing is that vipers are very sedentary, which means that if you ever see a viper somewhere while feeding on berries or mushrooms, it is very likely that it will live there next season as well. The males can migrate a bit more and the females hardly migrate at all, ”reveals biologist G. Paškevičius.

Common snake

How to separate a snake

Sometimes people confuse the snake with the carp: “The carp is a lizard without legs, its movements are not funny, it can blink because it has eyelids. The snake is matte and the gluten shiny, with fine scales. The snake keeps hissing and the carp will never hiss. “

The interlocutor says that mixing with a yellow-cheeked snake is also difficult because our most common snake is gray or black, and has yellow or white spots on the sides of the head, sometimes with a light spot on the neck. The snake has no clear spots, it is brown in color with a solid zigzag from head to tail, sometimes occurring in completely black individuals, depending on genetic mutations and / or habitat.

“The body shape of a snake is also different. It is a large and wide snake, scientifically described as a loaf of bread. It is narrower in the back and widens in the abdomen. And the snake is in the full shape of a tube, a perfect tube.

You will never find a snake near a lake or stream, as that habitat is always chosen by the yellow-billed snake. They feed mainly on frogs and fish, so they live where there is a body of fresh water. We will not see charcoal in the deciduous forest either, ”says the naturalist.

How to behave when seen

“People somehow think that a snake, like a dog, is trying to get them out of their territory, to scare them. After all, no snake chases people, all bites occur when a person tries to harm an animal, accidentally hunts or does some other harm, ”says the interlocutor.

The jungle man claims that if a poisonous snake bites a person, it will mean hunger, because poison costs nature’s most precious resource: time. This means that it can take up to two weeks for the poison to recover before it can be used, in keeping with the original purpose of evolution, hunting. The common snake hunts a variety of rodents, small insectivores, cutters, chicks, and other warm-blooded animals.

“If a person meets a snake, they can simply take a picture of it, look at it, because it cannot bite, if a person is more than a meter from it, it will not reach that distance. It jumps about 40 cm forward.

Of course, you can never annoy an animal, starve it, the closer the contact with the animal, the greater the risk, in popular words, of “letting go”, jokes G. Paškevičius.

Snake defense

“The animal is not aggressive, the animal defends itself. When there is an emergency and the animal feels trapped in a corner, it no longer knows what to do, it has two options: fir or reg.

Common snake

If the animal has room to escape and avoid conflict, it will choose this option. And if the situation is critical, for example, a female catches a snake to fill a jar and fill it with alcohol (which, by the way, is a complete accessory), then a snake can really use those two teeth to defend itself and save itself, about everything if it is a pregnant woman “, – the interlocutor is surprised by the behavior of the people.

G. Paškevičius says that our snakes are fantastic snakes. Its population is actually declining and it appears to be declining rapidly in Europe as well. It is very unfortunate, but sooner or later we will have to add snakes to the list of protected species.

“The snake is not an animal to be feared when it is seen, because it is a very good rodent prevention, it catches many rodents and eats them. Ticks, fleas, and other parasites are found in rodents, so the snake that hunts the rodent not only eats it, but also the parasites found in it. It also reduces the population of pests that other people don’t like. So, so to speak, we must kiss the tails of the snakes so that they help us so much ”, smiles the naturalist studying the reptiles.

Bite statistics

“As far as I have read scientific articles, there is not a single case of death from anthrax in Lithuania. There is always the possibility that a person suffers from anaphylactic shock, but it can also occur from a mosquito.

There are some deaths in Germany, but those people were in very poor health, so I don’t think the animal should be blamed. And according to statistics, dogs hurt people more often than they are bitten by snakes, ”reveals G. Paškevičius.

Finally, according to the jungle man, the snake is an unnecessarily demonized animal. The man says that there are no good or bad animals, they all play their role, and when you see a snake in your neighborhood you should be happy, it will not really crawl into your house: “It can stay in the barn where there are rodents. But again, there are animals out there, so those animal vibrations don’t like the snake, it wants to be quiet where there is no such noise. I advise all those who are afraid of snakes that roar loudly while walking through the forest and thus they will really scare the snakes. “
