Emilia, who is breastfeeding her 4-year-old son: “What my son needs is important, not criticism” | Life


15 minutes in your heart Emilija Kalusevičienė (23 years old) agreed to share her breastfeeding story. He says that today in our country there is a lot of information about breastfeeding, certified lactation professionals, so those who want to breastfeed will surely find support and receive help in case of problems.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding for up to 2 years or more, so long-term breastfeeding is also gradually becoming popular in Lithuania. It is true that we can hear all kinds of opinions about it: breastfeeding itself is often puzzled, and long-term feeding is considered crooked, because not everyone is used to it.

Emilia breaks all the standards and repeatedly during the conversation that the most important thing for her is to give the best that she can give to her son, and she simply does not care about criticism or other opinions.

Developed for almost four years

“Some mothers are afraid to breastfeed for a long time due to lack of support and some interrupt their breastfeeding route due to environmental pressures.

My firstborn will soon be four years old, he has been attending kindergarten for a year now and our breastfeeding journey is still going on. I know that I will feed until my son gives up, ”says Emilia.

She adds that breastfeeding has been successful since the early days of her child’s paradise. It is true that Emilija was interested in breastfeeding, she read books and, since giving birth at Kaunas Christian Maternity Hospital, she received support and a lot of useful information.

Photo from personal archive / Emilia has been feeding her son for almost four years

Photo from personal archive / Emilia has been feeding her son for almost four years

And how did you get through the toughest moments on the road to breastfeeding?

“The hardest were the sleepless nights, the jumps in growth, but even that is overcome. Breastfeeding is even more comfortable: you take the baby and continue sleeping, you don’t have to get up and go to prepare the mixture, “says Emilija, adding that when you follow the baby’s development, you know when to expect a growth jump and how to prepare for it. he.

The woman says that the man supports her a lot, which is very important in the relationship and at home.

Speaking about adaptation in kindergarten, Emilia emphasizes that she must be prepared for it. Naturally, many mothers fear how a child will fare in kindergarten if they still breastfeed often enough.

“I was interested in how to help the child feel good, how to adjust, and I also knew that there is no need to stop breastfeeding because of kindergarten. Everything went very well, it took us time to prepare ourselves psychologically ”, says Emilija.

Photo from 123RF.com / Breast milk is the most ideal food for a child

Photo from 123RF.com / Breast milk is the most ideal food for a child

Advises to listen to the heart

When asked why she thinks women who can breastfeed refuse to breastfeed, Emilia says she focuses on mothers who choose to breastfeed.

“I think we must respect both sides: those who choose to eat and those who refuse. I am in favor of tolerance. Mothers do not breastfeed because some lack knowledge, they think that the milk runs out and it really does not run out, and I I would add that some women get complicated because of the shape of their breasts as it changes, women who breastfeed do not receive support from the immediate environment, hearing from them unpleasant remarks and things like that, ”says Emilija.

She also shares her experience when she heard a proposal to stop breastfeeding, as if the child is already grown up, and says that really different thoughts can arise at that moment and urges not to give up. It is important to observe how the mother and the breastfed baby feel.

“Mothers think: everything, there is no milk, because the baby hangs on the breast for hours, which means that he does not eat, or tries to express milk with a breast pump, but only a few drops escape.

However, all this does not mean that there is a shortage of milk: the more a child breastfeeds, the more milk is produced. And if you do not express your milk, it does not mean that it is not present: the baby is the best breast pump. It is also worth remembering that breast milk is not just food ”, says the interlocutor.

The greatest advantage of breastfeeding, according to the interlocutor, is the connection and closeness with the baby. “My son and I have our own rituals, it helps him calm down and breastfeeding has a very positive effect on the development and emotional well-being of the child,” says the mother.

The more she was interested in the benefits of breastfeeding for a child’s development and psychology, the more she wanted to continue breastfeeding.

She advises simply taking an interest in the essentials that are important to the child and their well-being, and then finding the most acceptable answers. “It just came to my knowledge then. It all developed naturally: the more I was interested in the benefits of breastfeeding for the development and psychology of the child, the more I wanted to continue breastfeeding. Also, I have learned that it is better to breastfeed until baby decide to give up ”, says Emilia and suggests listening to her heart, which knows best what her children need.

You don’t hear angry comments

Various opinions, teachings and other observations about breastfeeding can be heard in the public space: people asking unethical questions wonder why breastfeeding takes so long, why breastfeeding in a public place, etc. Emilija says that she does not pay attention to angry comments and, by her example, wants to encourage other mothers to give her milk and, in case of difficulties, not to stumble, to ask for help.

Photo from 123RF.com / Breastfeeding is important to both baby and mother

Photo from 123RF.com / Breastfeeding is important for both baby and mother

“Focus on your child, his needs, not someone’s opinion, that’s the most important thing,” says Emilia.

She urges all moms who need help and want full support to join the Let’s Breastfeed Together group on Facebook. There, moms share their experiences and advice.

“I urge you not to be afraid to breastfeed in a public place if children need to meet their physiological needs. There really is no need to hide. The most important thing is your own state of mind.

Also, breasts are overemphasized, seen as a symbol of sex, this should not be the case. Feeding a child is a completely natural and normal process ”, says Emilija.
