what will be in the fall, predicting is hesitant


Benefits attracted

According to Audronė Kavaliauskienė, the services consultant for the Kėdainiai branch of the Employment Service, several new registrants were lured into the Employment Service by benefits paid by the state. However, it is not just the ability to return to work freely that leads to a decline in unemployment.

“The gradual fall in unemployment is influenced by the improvement of the situation in the country (the quarantine ended, the resumption of activities, taking advantage of the passport of opportunities). But the time of year also has a big impact. Unemployment always decreases in summer, as the number of vacancies increases: in construction, agriculture, services ”, emphasizes the interlocutor.

Long-distance drivers are scarcer during these border closures. Almost half of all the vacancies registered in Kėdainiai are dedicated to them.

I dare not guess

What will be the autumn and winter, the most active against the coronavirus, he dares not guess until now. It will all depend on the state of the pandemic and government decisions, which, for now at least, are often viewed with skepticism. If there were no quarantine, an improvement in the situation on the labor market could be expected, says A. Kavaliauskienė.

“It is difficult to predict unemployment in autumn. If we do not go back to the previous situation, quarantine and payment of benefits, we hope that unemployment will gradually decrease. People will return to their normal rhythm of life, they will be safe for their health, they will dedicate themselves to their activities or they will work more intensely in the vacancies ”, says the specialist of the Employment Service.

However, such a positive scenario is a big question, given that the central government is already compiling the longest lists of activities that will not be possible without a passport. As almost half of Lithuania has not yet been vaccinated, it would be difficult to expect a normal life. Without a doubt, the list of prohibitions will once again become a real knife for some businesses and, at the same time, for the people who work for them.

“Often vacancies do not meet the expectations of the unemployed, wages are inadequate, working conditions or the workplace is far from the place of residence”, – A.Kavaliauskienė

Missing drivers

Long-distance drivers are scarcer during these border closures. Almost half of all the vacancies registered in Kėdainiai are dedicated to them.

According to A. Kavaliauskienė, their need has increased due to the employment of foreigners, because in order for employers to obtain work permits for foreigners, they must first register vacancies with the Employment Service.

“We are also looking for production workers on the lines (butchers, packers, butchers, slaughterhouses, weighers), builders (insulators, masons, concrete mixers, finishers). We also need employees for food production, waiters, electricians, auxiliary workers ”, said the UŽT specialist.

Ten times

At present, almost 4 thousand people are registered in the Employment Service. unemployed. Meanwhile, there are just over 400 vacancies. Despite the fact that the demand is in the construction sector and the construction sector is simply boiling, the rates are breaking all the previous barriers, and it has become clear that the Most of the unemployed have professional training.

Of course, vocational training is far from meaning that a person has a trade in the construction field, but it is likely that 45% of them. a significant proportion of the unemployed are specialized in the construction sector in some area.

Why do you register with the Employment Service and do not go to the vacancies? You probably don’t need to look very far for the answer … Although, of course, everyone finds different excuses.

“It is difficult to find people in other vacancies who meet all the employer’s requirements and that the person agrees and wants to go to work for that employer.

Many times, the vacancies do not meet the expectations of the unemployed, that there are inadequate wages, working conditions or the workplace is far from the place of residence ”, says the reason for the reluctance to work.
