Senior representative: our people have already started saying that we will go with axles, with forks


G. Makarevičienė Delphi He noted in the comment that most older people get vaccinated voluntarily.

“We work according to the territorial principle. In the city of Vilnius more than 9 thousand. our senior association, each district has our representative who works with them. I asked everyone and only 50 people did not get vaccinated. You cannot lead people in flocks, we have people of such age that not everyone can be vaccinated – allergic and circulatory, and everything else, but even that only 50 people did not go because they could not for health. People are leaving ”, said the head of the association.

He noted that the association unites 59,612 members today, and if the passport of opportunity could be obtained in pharmacies, it would certainly help older people.

“Still, our people have various illnesses, they go to pharmacies,” commented G. Makarevičienė.

Vaccination of older adults against Covid-19

Vaccination of older adults against Covid-19

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

There is a lot of anxiety for the elderly: the authorities urge them to speak up and the protesters to be calm

However, he acknowledged that his friends were very concerned about recent government decisions.

“It is worrying that our states have divided people into groups. There is no need for human force to drive, intimidating. Constant intimidation. Is it possible to do this?” Thought the director of the association rhetorically.

G. Makarevičienė emphasized that during the pandemic it is very important to follow epidemiological rules: wear masks, keep distances, she, as she said, has ordered her colleagues to carry a disinfectant liquid in small bottles.

“But being completely intimidating is just dismissive here. I don’t know how I can handle this situation alone. There was a rally, this can’t be done. We have to demand the government, we have to demand, (bet) but the rallies, if they want to unite, they have to be calm, cultured and they have to express their demands in legal language, human language, “he commented on current affairs.

The head of the Association of the Elderly also criticized the government, which, according to G. Makarevičienė, had to go out to speak with the participants of the rally.

Senior representative: our people have already started saying that we will go with axles, with forks

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

“I have heard speeches from the head of the Department of State Security that it has already been announced that such a terrible demonstration is maturing. So why not reply? Why not talk to people? And people can’t do that either. Those bitter, for whom? There were probably more provocateurs here than people who should be calm, civilized, ”said the interlocutor.

It is outrageous that the Government does not speak: we were never invited

G. Makarevičienė has run the association for 17 years. According to her, now is a very difficult period, as older people are outraged by the lack of dialogue.

“Now some of us have started saying that we will go with axes, with pitchforks. I say – people, calm down, we’re not going anywhere yet. You have to calm down and calm down. So they tell me: that’s it, you got along with them! I say that I am with you, you elected me, I have been in charge of this organization for 17 years. If you don’t trust me, that’s it, I go out and live how you want, but I do it humanly, culturally, not this way. I constantly follow as exhausted, headache. If this continues, it will not stop the masses, “feared the head of the association.

She said community members say they will come with wheelchairs and crutches to protest.

“They say you might not dare to shoot us and poison us with gas. Was it necessary to do this? I needed it, I didn’t need it. If they were warned, as I heard the Young Man speak, he said they had warned him in February that the riots were on. maturing. Why didn’t they react? ”G. Makarevičienė was angry.

Senior representative: our people have already started saying that we will go with axles, with forks

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

However, the director of the Association of Elders highlighted the belief that all crises will end, which explains to like-minded people why the situation is difficult.

“I am very confident. I reassure people, but after all, it is difficult. If that is still the case, it will be terrible, because I will no longer be able to stop anything. Now I calm down, perhaps there is a misunderstanding here, perhaps provocative, but the people are not stupid.There is no need to keep them stuttering.

There are clubs in our organization according to interests: there is a national defense club for seniors, there is a club for the home affairs system, there is a club for art workers. People are not together and smart to get out of the gap. It is necessary to ask how to act, what to do, “suggested G. Makarevičienė.

He admitted that he had never spoken to this government. He was pleased to have met with the head of the country, the previous government, but not with the current government.

“They say that an agreement has been reached with non-governmental organizations. He has never invited me as the leader of a large non-governmental organization, ”noted G. Makarevičienė.

Senior representative: our people have already started saying that we will go with axles, with forks

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

In case of passions for issuing a passport for opportunities, pharmacists offer a way out.

Aistė Šuksta, an advisor to Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis, told the Delfi website that he is looking for someone who can help them without overloading the doctors.

“We are looking at other options and will offer them in the near future. We really want to be comfortable and have more places to come, and we may not overload the doctors with additional work.

We have foreseen several possibilities and now we are talking with those who can do it ”, A. Šuksta assured the Delfi portal, who did not want to name who is being consulted about it so far.

While looking for these opportunities, help from pharmacies is out of reach. According to Kristina Nemaniūtė-Gagė, president of the Lithuanian Pharmacy Association, the pharmacies represented by the Association are open to all proposals that can be implemented in pharmacies and that would contribute to the management of the pandemic in Lithuania.

Senior representative: our people have already started saying that we will go with axles, with forks

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“We are involved in vaccination processes, we are talking with public authorities about the possibility of carrying out tests in pharmacies and about many other facilities that, for example, allow the purchase of medicines for those who cannot leave the quarantine station, etc.

We also see the possibility of issuing opportunity passports in pharmacies, of course this would require both new IT solutions and some changes in e. healthcare platform so that all Lithuanian pharmacists can see the information necessary for the issuance of this document.

We are ready to work together so that together we can get out of this difficult situation for the whole state and the people faster, ”said K. Nemaniūtė-Gagė.

She was also supported by the portal Delphi Representatives of some large pharmacy chains, Eurovaistinės, BENU, were interviewed. Read more here.

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