The woman who took the COVID-19 test before the trip received a certificate but doubts the study itself


Patricia (last name known to the editorial board) has been living in Sweden for several years, working in a laboratory there. It is true that he admits that he does not work with COVID-19 tests, however his experience at the Alytus Patient Help Clinic made him doubt whether the antigen test had been performed correctly.

You haven’t had time to get vaccinated

“I have not been vaccinated yet, because we were vaccinated in Sweden only in July, when I was already in Lithuania. In the end, I decided that I would be vaccinated when I returned to Sweden, I work here, pay taxes, so I will get vaccinated. I also doubted that could get both doses in Lithuania.

I decided to test before flying. As necessary. My mother also flew a little earlier, she was also there, UAB Pagalba ligoniui in Alytus. I called, checked in, I was afraid there would be seats because I didn’t want to do it at the airport right before the flight.

I have registered for Wednesday at 9.15. I was in a hurry, worried about being late. “I took this test very seriously,” Patricia said.

In five minutes

He says he arrived at the clinic at 9.25am. M. And at 9.30 a. M. He had already left that room: “Everything went on for about five minutes.”

According to Patricia, during those five minutes she spoke with the receptionist and they took her to the office.


AFP / “Scanpix” nuotr./Greitieji testai

“I said I didn’t have to say that for the flight here, I don’t know. But I was hoping I could take that test honestly, because I pay for it,” said the girl.

It turned out that the sample had already been taken incorrectly for the test, that perhaps it was not a stick for that purpose, it did not go up to the throat, only to the middle of the nasal cavity. The test worker then “pretended it looked like she was doing something” and offered to pay. According to Patricia, the documents were completed in a moment.

I said the flight here, maybe I didn’t have to say that, I don’t know. I was hoping to do that test honestly because I paid for it.

“So I said – wait, you didn’t test me. At the end of the day, it takes time for me to emerge there, and in those tests where they showed me everything it was evidenced in the oldest one. The tests come from different manufacturers, but I watched videos online; it takes time to test, the regents take time to react. There was only imitation, “the woman was upset.

She says she even asked if she only had to pay for the certificate here, as she was disappointed that she had come to doubt whether she had come to COVID-19 for an answer. Patricia says she has done the rapid antigen test more than once, so she was familiar with the procedure.

Patricia does not hide that she finds a director for the company and expresses her dissatisfaction, but she only heard from her that the test had indeed been done and that there can be no doubts about the employees.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / COVID-19 testing services for passengers

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / COVID-19 testing services for passengers

After returning to Sweden before going to work, Patricia said she intended to have a PCR test to make sure she was not infected.

Call it hitchhiking

After calling the medical institution, nurse Danguolė Stanonienė began to explain the situation. He assured that he was aware of the situation. The woman is said to have initially had claims about the test itself, said the regent had not been instilled.

If a bar appeared, it showed that the test was negative, which means that it had worked.

“We even opened it up to show you a new, unused test of what it looks like and compared it to a test you’ve already done. If a bar appeared, it showed that the test was negative, which means that it had worked. After that, he got angry because we had scratched his nose with an ear plug, but it is difficult not even to comment here, it is impossible ”, the institution nurse got angry.

On its Facebook account, the medical institution announces that it performs COVID-19 tests – a rapid antigen test with a certificate in English costs 30 euros, your response is available within 15 minutes. However, when asked about perhaps a short time for the test, the nurse assured that the tests are different: some manufacturers are those in which you have to wait longer for a response, others emerge faster.

“If he sat down, waited and the answer came up, I don’t know, he could have sat longer … If a person is sick, just a few minutes later, two strips emerge in the test. And she stayed and the brightest was a strip. Of course, we could all wait longer, but many people, everyone is in a hurry, so we are happy to get a result soon. People are happy that they don’t have to wait too long, “said the nurse.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / COVID-19 testing services for passengers

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / COVID-19 testing services for passengers

He acknowledged that the second strip showing infection may appear a little later, but that while this patient was in the clinic, it would certainly have been enough to see at least one blurry strip: “If one strip is already very bright and the other is not. is, that second will not appear. “

The nurse said that tests from different manufacturers differ in how long to wait for an answer: some need to wait longer, others less. It is now said to be used in the clinic only as one where the result is clear in just a few minutes.

Respond after 15-20 minutes.

Simona Kalvelytė, Chief Public Relations Specialist of the Administration Division of the National Public Health Laboratory, provided a brief comment from the laboratory on this situation.

Such a test shows the answer in 15-20 minutes.

“For rapid antigen testing, a sample can be taken from the anterior nasal cavity when the swab is inserted only up to 2.5 cm, causing less discomfort to the patient. Such a test shows the answer in 15-20 minutes.

Perhaps the woman had experience with PCR testing as samples are taken from the nasopharynx and it takes much longer to wait for a response, ”the lab said in a comment.
