Prosecutors portrayed the woman as the worst troublemaker –


8:45 pm – the time of the commission of a crime was recorded in the suspicions made for Nendre Černiauskienė, assistant to the member of Seimas Valdemaras Valkiūnas, who was released on Thursday night. Although at that time the woman had already been arrested.

“They arrested me at 8:20 p.m. He couldn’t set anything on fire or explode while sitting in the car. Apparently more telepathically. “

The request for the arrest of the deputy of the Seimas, assistant to the Seimas member N.Černiauskienė, was not satisfied by the court. They made a promise not to leave the country. According to his lawyer Ryšardas Burda, that court decision is correct, as there is no evidence to confirm that N.Černiauskienė threw stones at the police officers.

N.Černiauskienė herself said that she had suffered physical violence. “The men, bigger in all my head, they pushed me against the car, they pushed me.

I’ve captured shots of LRT badges on journalists’ t-shirts jostling me. They behaved quite aggressively. One pushed me down and grabbed the closest reporter. He was a man very similar to the one who introduced himself to the same journalist who pushed Astra Genovaitė Astrauskaitė during a previous rally.

At that moment, the police officers approached me and took me to the head of the patrol service, who told me to get in the car. The police officer who ordered me to arrest is the same officer who refused to arrest suspicious people. I know your first and last name.

At that time, I was filming all the time, at the end of the recording you could see that they were guiding me, and I was holding the phone in my hands and filming. I managed to turn off the recording and air it, “the woman tells Vakaro žinios about the circumstances of her arrest.

Threat up to six years

An assistant member of the Seimas said he went 18 hours without being interviewed by the police. “Only after this time, during the interview, did I know what I was being accused of. I was confident that everything would be cleared up and I would be released because I was not involved in any incident except that I was pushed.

But I learned that I was accused of causing public violence, destruction of property and other serious violations of public order in the Seimas along with many people and other unidentified people during the investigation. I resisted the police, allegedly ignoring the legitimate demands of officials to stop their illegal actions. Apparently, during the investigation I struck an unidentified hard object, explosive charges of unknown origin exploded, which burned various parts of the victims’ bodies. And I destroyed police property, damaging five cars. With my actions, I caused physical pain to at least 10 officers, “said N. Černiauskienė.

The suspicions were brought against him in accordance with article 283 of the Penal Code. 2, which establishes: “Whoever has used a firearm or explosives in the course of the acts provided for in paragraph 1 of this article, or who has resisted a policeman or other person who performs public administration functions, will be sanctioned with the imprisonment of up to six years “.

Although yesterday Minister Agnė Bilotaitė shared a photogram on the social network where a meeting with officials affected by the riots was recorded, they are neither bandaged nor tied.

Historically, this is nothing new. As soon as the Conservatives are in power, so are the strikes, riots and riots in Lithuania, “noted N.Černiauskienė.

In assessing such suspicions, N.Černiauskienė made no secret that he avoided arrest only because he managed to present the images to the court: “The circumstances are incomprehensible when you don’t know why you are being detained.

Don’t stop pushing men. This shows that journalists have an absolute right to inviolability, which even some members of the Seimas do not have. “

Revenge for social activities

N.Černiauskienė, who contacted Vakaro žinios, is not surprised by such law enforcement work: “The prosecutor, while” drawing my picture “for the court, mentioned why, in his opinion, he should be arrested. a typical list of reasons: that I can hide, run, I have no social connections, I have no commitments.

The judge was pleasantly surprised to learn that I have a Law Degree, a Doctor of Social Sciences, I have a minor child, a job, a mortgage, I am a public figure.

The prosecutor also tried to argue that weapons with ammunition were seized during the search. They did get them out of a safe in my house though. They are weapons that have all the necessary permits and are purchased while still working in the Special Investigation Service.

I don’t know how people in Belarus feel, but when I read the prosecutor’s request to arrest me, I thought I was on some kind of reality show. “

N. Černiauskienė, an active public figure, is a member of the initiative group of the ongoing initiative to reduce the referendum cartel. The woman is convinced that the fact that active public figures were detained near the Seimas is not a coincidence. “I am convinced that this is related to my participation in the referendum leadership group. Looking back at the 2014 organization of an agrarian referendum, it is clear that the initiative to reduce the referendum cartel is hindering something a lot.

As I understand it, other women detainees, V. Račkova and A. Sabaliauskaitė, are also active public figures. The aim was apparently to divide the united patriotic forces and overshadow the upcoming referendum. But I think it will only give the opposite effect: it will encourage people to connect and be more active, “N. Černiauskienė told” Vakaro žinios “.

He is pleased that a large-scale public investigation is being launched into the events near the Seimas, during which it will become clear who the real perpetrators of the riots were: “The outrage and the riots were caused by the arrival of special forces. Maybe people were a little upset, but the pictures clearly show that the appearance of the special services caused even more outrage in the people. I think the riots were really caused by the Public Safety Service.

There was an obvious desire on the part of the rulers to provoke a riot or a revolution. There is no desire to talk to people.

For example, why didn’t the chairman of the Seimas Human Rights Committee, Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, visit our police to make sure that human rights are not violated? “

Suspicions of how to copy

Vitolda Račkova, a member of the Council of the Lithuanian Family Movement arrested in the riots, also spent two days in the police. The prosecutor also requested his arrest, but the court applied a milder preventive detention measure: the promise not to leave. The charges brought against her are the same as those of N. Černiauskienė. “I cannot attend rallies, mass meetings, leave Lithuania, change my place of residence, I have no personal documents.

And this is all just because the presumption of innocence in Lithuania should sound like this: you are guilty until you prove that you are innocent.

They accuse me of throwing stones, injuring policemen, destroying property, police patrols. Nobody delved there, wrote it as a template. Although they probably had to review the footage, I don’t know if it was done, “Račkova said after leaving the police station.

After reading the accusations against her, the woman indicated that, like N.Černiauskienė, she was suspected of acting together with a group of people. However, V. Račkova assured that of all the people included in the list, she only knows two surnames. In the suspicions expressed against the woman, word and word repeated the facts and circumstances, which are also foreseen for N.Černiauskienė. V. Račkova also added that her mobile phone and SIM card have been confiscated: “She will look for some information necessary for the case.”

Another member of the Council of the Lithuanian Family Movement, Adelina Sabaliauskaitė, was also released from the police station on Thursday evening. After contacting “Vakaro žinios”, the woman assured that she did not want to comment on the situation.

Violence experienced by officials

Interestingly, not only were the same allegations made against the rioters detained by the police, but even the time when the people allegedly committed illegal acts was the same: 8:45 p.m. That time was indicated in the suspicions presented to N. Černiauskienė, V. Račkova, A. Sabaliauskaitė and businessman Laura.

L.Leščinskaitė is a woman who was coerced by the police during the riots. Two days later, in custody, he came out with an underhand hand, difficult to walk due to his broken legs.

A working mother of young children is surprised by the following police actions: “They have taken everything from us. My hands and feet were blue, they dragged me across the asphalt, they threw me into the bushes. It’s good that I managed to get up and run to the ambulance. I clung to him so he wouldn’t take me away. I didn’t do anything, I threw rocks, I just screamed. But everyone shouted, it’s not forbidden. “

The young woman says that in the detention center no one tried to be courteous to the detained rallies: “They threw me into the camera, the documents were signed by a hole, no one communicated with us. I had a hard time, so they called an ambulance. When we arrived quickly, they yelled at us that we supposedly wanted to become stars. It wasn’t until I asked for help a second time that I was taken to the hospital.

The investigator provoked us to admit that we threw stones.

I understand that fines could have been imposed for not leaving home immediately after the rally. But don’t do it this way: beat him up, put him in custody. And even before the trial I had to tremble whether to run or not.

Initially they told me that they would ask me to stop for three months and then for one. For what? The lawyer said the suspicions were listed as “standard” for everyone, said L. Leščinskaitė, who had just been in pre-trial detention, as soon as he left police custody.

Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė: The riots are connected to the criminal world

Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė claims that a significant part of the participants in the riots that took place near the Seimas on Tuesday are related to the structures of the criminal world.

“The police are conducting a pre-trial investigation, decisions have been made on the arrest of certain people. To my knowledge, there were 36 other people who in one way or another took certain actions, incited or contributed to inciting, organizing or act against the riots, ”said A. Bilotaitė at a press conference organized by the Interior Ministry.

“The most important thing is prompt accountability for these criminal acts. Both politicians and individuals who were involved in the process, “he added.

According to the minister, a significant part of the people who participated in the riots near the Seimas and were identified are related to criminal structures.

“As far as I have access to the information, it really is the majority: people who have had problems with the application of the law and have had them more than once. Of those who have been identified, it is clear that a significant number are related to the structures of the criminal world, ”said the minister.

A.Bilotaitė emphasizes that this is another proof that a hybrid war is being fought.

“And this only reaffirms that this is a hybrid war and that the means are diverse: these are migrants who cross the border illegally, these are processes, these disturbances and other things that are coordinated and initiated. And among them, we see that the structures of our criminal world, the criminal world, are used, which shows that everything is even more dangerous, ”he emphasized.

It will be recalled that the police have launched a pre-trial investigation into the organization of the disturbances near the Seimas. According to the General Police Commissioner Renatas Požėla, the responsibility for the violations recorded during the rally will also fall on the organizers of the event.
