Checked restrictions in banks, shops, events and public transport: violators will be fined


According to the data obtained from the inspection authorities, among the most popular are violations of the use of masks, although this is one of the most available protection measures. Based on this, we recall that in view of the rapid spread of the new Delta virus strain in Lithuania, as well as the slowdown in vaccination rates, increased morbidity and the prevention of COVID-19 disease, the places closed publics (banks, pharmacies, shops, cinemas). , public transport) etc.) to wear masks for people over 6 years old. They are not required in open public places if a safe distance from other people is maintained.

Last week, 59 municipalities submitted to the State Emergency Operations Center on the control of compliance with the restrictions applied during the emergency. As of Friday, August 6, 1,786 public transportation inspections and 43 violations were found during the week. However, it is difficult to predict trends in this area: the number of violations varies every week, sometimes doubling, one way or another.

In the last two weeks, a lot of attention has been paid to the outlets. It is gratifying that out of 843 point of sale inspections, 3 irregularities were found. And after reviewing 148 cases of social gatherings, 7 rapes were found.

The use of masks is still relevant, but last week municipal inspectors found a record number of violations: just two, having previously recorded dozens or even more than 100 violations per week.

There is also good knowledge. No violations were found in the 30 events inspected. Both the public and the event organizers appear to be following their procedures responsibly.

No violations were found in the 1021 institution, company or organization visited by municipal inspectors last week.

When evaluating the control of the people selected for isolation in the 59 reporting municipalities, it was found that 1,026 returnees or arrivals from foreign countries were examined, of which 216 came from countries affected by the mutated virus. A couple of isolation rule compliance violations were identified, resulting in a protocol.

According to the police department, officials are also detecting fewer and fewer violations. During the week through last Friday, 22 masks were found to be worn. No self-isolation or assembly violations were identified, and this is the third “zero” week of its kind based on these indicators.

According to data from the State Border Guard Service (SBGS), no mask or gathering violations were detected.

The State Food and Veterinary Service carried out inspections in 138 catering establishments, 13 of which found irregularities. For example, the distance of 2 meters between the visitor’s tables was not maintained (6 cases), no information was provided to the visitors about the need for personal hygiene and / or the mandatory use of masks at the entrance (5 cases) , the staff was not provided information about the medical check-up (case 1); workers to measure body temperature (case 2), unregulated visitor flows (case 6), workers without masks (case 3).

Likewise, 59 food trading companies were visited with 2 irregularities in which the merchant did not have an authorized disinfectant.

Following inspections of merchants, caterers and producers, 2 investigations for administrative misconduct were launched last week and 3 reports of administrative misconduct were drawn up for non-compliance with emergency conditions.

The National Public Health Center (NVSC) also oversaw the fulfillment of emergency conditions. After inspecting 151 economic entities, 4 were found that violated the default conditions.

After evaluating the activities of 74 retail businesses, 17 personal health care and social assistance and welfare institutions, and 13 educational institutions and non-formal education organizations, no violations were found.

An inspection of 18 beauty establishments, sports clubs, swimming pools and accommodations revealed a single violation in which the accommodations did not guarantee that recipients wore nose and mouth protection indoors.

An infraction was also found in the international freight transport company, when the fact of completing the electronic questionnaires of the employees who returned from international trips is not verified. In addition to this company, last week a total of 7 more public transport and passenger transport companies and public administration entities were inspected; no infractions were found here.

The NVSC also inspected events, including film activities. 21 cases of this type were inspected: 5 cultural events in open spaces, where 1 event was registered with violations by spectator registration, conditions for hand disinfection were not created, 11, 11 cultural events in closed spaces with 1 event with violations by flow management, inappropriate disinfectants, 5 cinemas or cultural centers during movie screenings where no infractions have been found.

NVSC also conducts inspections for mandatory periodic employee testing. The inspections of 138 companies, institutions or organizations did not reveal any irregularities.

Keep in mind that regular medical check-up does not protect against COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection). Meanwhile, COVID-19 vaccines are effective in protecting people against severe forms of the disease and most of those vaccinated against the infection. The vaccines used in Lithuania are safe and effective.
