Graduation Graduation Sadly Ended: After the Break: The Largest Outbreak of COVID-19 in the Country


Currently, the largest focus of coronavirus in the country is registered in the Šiauliai Didždvaris Gymnasium. There are 38 cases of coronavirus associated with this outbreak. The last case was registered five days before.

According to Statistics from Lithuania, 23 of these cases were primary and 15 secondary. A total of 22 high-risk cases and 200 low-risk cases were identified.

Infected during the festival

According to Rita Švambarienė, a specialist from the Šiauliai Department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), the outbreak occurred after the graduation ceremony. According to the NVSC and the educational institution itself, the celebration was twice that day. First there was a formal awards ceremony, and then the graduates gathered to celebrate informally.

According to Daiva Trijonienė, deputy director of education at Didždvaris gymnasium, the certificate ceremony took place first at the Šiauliai Palace of Culture, then the graduates moved to a restaurant to celebrate.

The graduates are believed to have been infected during the unofficial vacation. R. Švambarienė points out that the infections were recorded not only among the graduates, but their family members also became infected.

“Some of the sick were found to be in both the celebration and the celebration in the cafe. Everything is intertwined and they are in double contact. What was not in the celebration is also in the family ”, says R. Švambarienė.

Antibody test

Most of those infected are vaccinated.

According to specialist R. Švambrienė, 25 of the 38 cases are graduates. All others infected: family members, brothers, sisters, parents or grandparents.

The NVSC does not yet know exactly what may have caused the outbreak. R. Švambarienė says that most of the infected people associated with the Didždvaris gym fireplace do not feel the symptoms of the disease, because many of them are young. There are no infected teachers after the holidays.

R. Švambarienė says that most of those infected had been vaccinated. It is true that a delta variety is believed to have entered the graduation festival.

“We see this in more than one outbreak, in more than one outbreak, which is sick and vaccinated. This means that the threat of a mutation in this virus is that the partial protection is not so good that it does not infect the mutation in the virus that is occurring now, it is most likely a delta. They have been mutated, ”says R. Švambarienė.

COVID-19 study

The infection could have spread during the party.

D. Trijonienė, deputy director of the Šiauliai Didždvaris Education Gymnasium, says the school does not have much information about the outbreak. D. Trijonienė explains that two graduation festivals took place on the day of delivery of graduate certificates.

The first solemn ceremony took place at the Šiauliai Cultural Center. The people who participated in it were registered. According to the gym representative, all safety requirements were observed during the ceremony.

“The limited number in the cultural center, up to 400, was 128, all registered, everything is normal. We have not been held responsible for those who attended the graduations, relatives and relatives or others. There was a celebration at the Šeduva mill, organized by the parents, no teacher got sick, no one participated in the delivery of certificates. All the rules were followed, ”says D. Trijonienė from

A graduate was able to bring two family members to the certification ceremony at the cultural center. The hall was said to be extremely large and the certification ceremony lasted an hour and a half.

“I spoke with my parents, they did not feel any symptoms, because they were vaccinated, tested and stayed at home for 10 days,” says D. Trijonienė.

According to D. Trijonienė, the school representatives did not participate in the celebration at the restaurant, so they cannot comment on whether the security requirements were met there.


NVSC: Number of Coronavirus Outbreaks Rises for Third Week in a Row

In Lithuania, the growth of active coronavirus outbreaks has been recorded for the third week in a row, having increased by a third in the last week, NVSC reported Tuesday.

According to epidemiologists, unfavorable trends are due to the spread of the delta variety and increased human mobility.

“The acceleration of the delta variety, the significant increase in mobility and more active communication are the main factors that determine that we have a threatening epidemiological situation before the beginning of autumn. It is already clear that autumn will not be easy, so we do not have to be delayed by the luxury of vaccination, ”the report quotes Giedrė Aleksienė, Head of the NVSC’s Communicable Disease Management Division, who is acting temporarily as Director.

At the end of last week, a total of 73 active COVID-19 outbreaks were recorded in Lithuania, compared with 55 a week earlier and 29 a week earlier.

Antibody test

The highest growth was recorded in the food industry

Last week, twice as many outbreaks as before, NVSC specialists recorded in the food industry. There were 16 active outbreaks, compared to eight the previous week.

There has also been an increase in COVID-19 in the chimney construction sector: there were four active outbreaks last week, up from two the previous week.

In the manufacturing sector, for the second week in a row, 40 percent. targeting the growth of active shoots. Last week 14 of them were registered and last week ten.

There was also an increase in the number of active outbreaks in furniture and service manufacturing companies, but it was not significant. Last week, four active COVID-19 outbreaks were reported in these areas.

Last week there were three outbreaks in children’s camps. No such trends have been recorded on the outbreak map in previous periods.

At that time, the number of active outbreaks in commercial enterprises and social service institutions did not change. Five and two active outbreaks were registered, respectively.

The only area where the COVID-19 outbreaks recorded last week fell was in the logistics and transportation sectors. Last week there were two active outbreaks in these companies, a week ago their specialists monitored three.

Epidemiologists consider the outbreak to be a sudden spread of communicable diseases: two or more cases of the disease interrelated in terms of time and place. NVSC emphasizes that family illnesses are not included in the outbreak map.
