Commander SBGS: The construction of the fence, according to the current legal basis, would take about 2 years.


This information was presented to the media by the SBGS Commander after a meeting with the leaders of the parliamentary factions.

“As already mentioned, during today’s meeting I presented the concept of installing an engineering technical barrier. It was prepared with world practice in mind, ”said the SBGS commander.

He said that he did not want to detail the elements of this concept yet, but presented what this physical barrier should look like.

“It would consist of two main elements: the first element is a concert hall, it would be installed in the line of the wall, a protective fence would be installed next to it.” It would be a 4 meter high metal fence, with Y-shaped tops, where an additional concert hall would be installed. Other elements of the infrastructure would continue to be deployed. Some already exist, for example: control tracking tape, surveillance cameras, “R. Liubajev told the measures.

He said the foundation would not be installed.

“There will only be concrete columns. And also part of this fence would be buried in the ground,” he said.

The presence of the concert on the protective fence, according to R. Liubajev, would make access to the protective fence difficult.

“To get over that fence, or damage or destroy it,” said the SBGS commander.

R. Liubajev stated that he provided calculations in accordance with the practice of other countries.

“The budget for a project of this type could be 152 million euros. We are talking about installing a physical barrier on a section of wall that is 508 kilometers away. I will remind you that the length of the border with Belarus is 670 kilometers, but not everywhere there will be such a physical obstacle due to the characteristics of the landscape, ”said R. Liubajev.

SBGS estimates that the complete fence could take around 2 years under the current legal framework.

“However, apparently, decisions will be made to give this object a special status of importance of a state object,” said the SBGS commander.

Ylva Johansson, the European commissioner who visited there, said on Monday that a physical barrier is necessary on the border with Belarus.

According to the Interior Ministry, the installation of a physical barrier on the border with Belarus, including surveillance and other systems, could cost a total of around 500 million euros.

Johanssson said he could not yet say whether the fence could be financed with funds from the European Union.

This year, more than 4,000 people crossed the border from Belarus into Lithuania. illegal migrants. That number is more than a dozen times higher than it was in 2020.

Lithuania has declared an emergency situation due to the increase in illegal immigration. The country’s officials take the position that the increase in migratory flows is an organized action of the Minsk regime against Lithuania.

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