BNS: Highlights of Wednesday


“Quarantine of the unvaccinated”. At the meeting, the government widely supported the proposals, which will significantly expand passport use and severely restrict services and activities for those without immunity. The Cabinet of Ministers allowed unvaccinated residents to do so until September 13. Reflexes:

* It is expected that those who have not been vaccinated or have been infected with the coronavirus will be able to buy only in small stores, near large supermarkets, beauty salons, public catering establishments, entertainment venues, events.

* People without immunity and without a test could not use both urban and interurban public transport.

* Without the possibility of a passport, only the necessary personal medical care will be provided in health care institutions, as well as social services will be provided to such people.

* Non-immunity services are proposed to be limited in two stages, with the first restriction taking effect when the use of COVID-19 in healthcare facilities reaches 250 (currently 200). The list of activities allowed without immunity would be further reduced as of September 13.

* Masks and other security requirements will no longer be mandatory but indicative when serving people with passports.

Migration crisis:

* 35 illegal immigrants were detained in Lithuania last day, far fewer than in recent days. Most of the migrants who tried to cross the Lithuanian-Belarusian border were turned over by border guards.

Photo by Lukas Balandi / 15min / Agnė Bilotaitė

Photo by Lukas Balandi / 15min / Agnė Bilotaitė

* Belarus said that an Iraqi had died at the border. Lithuanian border guards claim they have received no information about such an event from Belarusian officials. Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė stated that she had no information on “any excesses” on the Lithuanian-Belarusian border. Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė called the Belarusian report misinformation.

* The government passed amendments to the bill that would give troops more power to help the military manage the immigration crisis.

* Border guards questioned 16 migrants as witnesses due to the unrest in Alytus district, Verebiejai.

* I. Šimonytė claims that the fence on the border with Belarus will be built at least for the time being with borrowed funds.

Coronavirus situation. Last day 503 new cases of coronavirus were identified, killing two people. In hospitals, 200 patients are treated for COVID-19, 23 in resuscitation. During the first day, the first dose of the vaccine was administered at 8.8 thousand. people. According to Prime Minister I. Šimonytė, the deterioration of the epidemiological situation does not rule out the possibility of a local quarantine.

„Scanpix“ / ITAR-TASS nuotr./ sourceBelaruskalij ”

„Scanpix“ / ITAR-TASS nuotr./ sourceBelaruskalij ”

Extension of sanctions. Lithuania has submitted proposals to Brussels regarding the extension of sectoral sanctions to Belarus, which cover a larger part of the fertilizers exported through Klaipeda, Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis reported. According to him, the export of Belarusian fertilizers through Lithuania could be stopped. It also expressed concern over the news that a large shipment of smuggled cigarettes had been found in the shipment of the Belarusian potash fertilizer manufacturer Belaruskalij.

NPD calculation. The Bank of Lithuania proposes to change the formula for calculating the amount of tax-free income (NPD) so that the least salaried receive higher income and as a result, the growth of some more salaried temporarily slows. The Finance Ministry says the proposal will be considered by a tax working group in the fall.

Opposition Court. The Minsk Regional Court has opened a criminal case against Belarusian opponents Mary Kalesnikava and Maxim Znak. They are accused of calling for action to undermine national security, conspiring to seize power unconstitutionally, and establishing and running an extremist entity.

Charges against the governor. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is accused of sexually harassing 11 women. He was called to resign by US President Joe Biden. Mr. Cuomo himself denies wrongdoing and has stated that he will not resign.

Belarusian Olympic. Critic of the Belarusian Athletics Federation, the country’s athlete Kryscina Cimanouskaya left Tokyo for the Olympics; she was flown to the Austrian capital, Vienna, from where she will later arrive in Poland. The country issued a humanitarian visa to the 24-year-old athlete and her husband.
