Conservatives reveal what they will offer voters during the Seimas elections: they thought about possible coalition negotiations


Ingrida Šimonytė, the party list leader, Gabrielius Landsbergis, the chairman of the TS-LKD, and Jurgita Šiugždinienė, the head of the Program Development Task Force, presented the draft program of the conservative elections to the Seimas.

Comments and observations on the draft program were presented by political scientists at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science (TSPMI) of the Vilnius University (VU).

From wages to productivity

Draft TS-LKD electoral program highlights weak democracy and chaotic governance, unequal opportunity and different starting positions for children, an unbalanced healthcare system, an exhausted economic model, rising unemployment, deepening exclusion social, demographic winter, irresponsible and harmful activities for the environment and the like. .

Conservatives promise that the legislation will be developed more slowly but qualitatively and responsibly, will restore prestige to work for the state and will concentrate strategic and analytical powers in the “brain center” of the Government.

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Time of the event

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Time of the event

It is indicated that Lithuania will be among the top 10 European countries according to the digital economy and society index (today – 14th place).

Basic public services will be accessible by public transport in a maximum of 30 minutes.

Among its promises, the future package of educators 2025, more professional opportunities for all, to allow the primary health care chain, family doctors, to prolong life by strengthening the prevention of critical illnesses, to improve the working conditions of doctors, establish a “super hospital”.

“Lithuanian students will be in the top ten in the PISA ranking according to their achievements (today, 27th place). Teacher salaries will be 30 percent. Higher than the national average (today – 94% of average) “, – says the draft of the conservative electoral program.

Lithuanian students will be in the top ten of the PISA ranking according to their achievements. Teacher salaries will be 30 percent. higher than the national average.

The average life expectancy for men will increase to 61 years and for women to 64 years, the document says.

The number of suicides will drop by 20%. (Today – 24.4 suicides per 100,000 inhabitants).

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ingrida Šimonytė and Gabrielius Landsbergis

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ingrida Šimonytė and Gabrielius Landsbergis

On the economic side, TS-LKD plans to establish Lithuania as a hub for biological and health technologies in Europe, implement the ten-center program for economic growth and reorient immigration policy.

“Wages in Lithuania will reach 70 percent of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development average,” said the conservative electoral program.

Wages in Lithuania will reach 70 percent of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development average.

Labor productivity will increase to 85 percent of the European Union average.

The population facing relative poverty will drop to 20 percent (now 22.9 percent). The birth rate, as conservatives promise to achieve, will reach 1.85 (today – 1.63).

The proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) spent on defense will be 2.5 percent (now 2 percent).

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Time of the event

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Time of the event

The number of members of the Union of Fusiliers, according to the draft of the electoral program TS-LKD, will increase to 15 thousand (now there are 11 thousand).

Conservatives point out that there will be at least 55 percent of the population willing to defend the country in the event of aggression (now 42 percent).

Conservatives point out that there will be at least 55 percent of the population willing to defend the country in the event of aggression (now 42 percent).

In the environmental field, according to the draft of the TS-LKD electoral program, at least 60 percent of municipal waste will be recycled (now – 52.6 percent).

At least 85 percent. bodies of water in good condition (today – 53%).

“According to the ecological innovation index, the result of Lithuania will reach 125 points (now – 89 points),” says the electoral program TS-LKD.

Towards a “more normal policy”

According to TS-LKD President G. Landsbergis, evaluating the situation both in Lithuania and in the world, the number of universal and unifying themes is rapidly decreasing.

In his opinion, politicians are not worth talking about what would unite society.

Politicians are said to be much more likely to seek out issues that stand out to them and allow them to represent a small group of people.

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Gabrielius Landsbergis

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Gabrielius Landsbergis

“And it is an antipode to an agreement, it is an antitrust. Perhaps we are seeing it very clearly now in the United States. But, I would say that the political sky in Lithuania is not much different, at least in terms of communication or political proposals. We have Politicians in the Seimas who represent the anti-tax movement, we have politicians who think 5G is terribly harmful. “We have a fundamentally growing number of politicians who are taking fringes and fringe issues and are not categorically seeking any assumptions or seeing a reason to negotiate something. that will unite us all, “said the conservative leader.

We have politicians in the Seimas who represent the anti-tax movement, we have politicians who think that 5G is something terribly harmful.

Landsberg explained that when he started preparing the electoral program, he raised the question of the conservatives’ response to this.

He said that the objective is a different, normal and better quality policy.

“Because we believe that a more normal policy would restore a little more confidence in the processes that are being carried out in general and would allow people to convince themselves of the need for change in key areas. Therefore, our program does not start with the economy, as was usual in 2016, and before: we started the program that Lithuania needs to be closer than Ireland, more like Sweden, any other country that is a country of our dreams, our Panama, “he said.

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Time of the event

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Time of the event

G. Landsbergis emphasized that lack of authority also contributes to trust.

For example, during the coronavirus crisis, conservatives reported that there were very few epidemiologists, health experts, people in Lithuania who could reassure the public about what was happening and why certain rules had to be followed.

“Therefore, strengthening the civic-political community, which is close to politics and can help, explains the issues working in brain centers, institutes, universities, the medical sector, wherever. I think this is one of the priority tasks. “said the president of TS-LKD.

G. Landsbergis emphasized that the goal “less is better” was established during program preparation.

As a result, the electoral promise document, as the conservative leader said, is far from 500 pages to the considerable dissatisfaction of some party members.

However, Landsberg said efforts had been made to set goals that were easier for politicians to explain: done or not.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Seimas sitting

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Seimas sitting

“The second thing, the idea when writing the program, was that the program should take into account coalition governments, the negotiations that could take place over the government, and the fact that taking a particularly radical austerity could be a red line for many parties or other political forces, they will not even be able to touch, “he said.

The second thing: The idea when writing the program was that the program should take coalition governments into account, taking into account any negotiations that may take place over the government.

I.Šimonytė: we did not go far

Deputy I.Šimonytė, who tops the list of TS-LKD elections to the Seimas, said that by debating which program scheme to choose, it was possible to choose so that both the number of ministries and the department were listed.

However, most of the problems we have or unresolved problems are cross-cutting.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ingrida Šimonytė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ingrida Šimonytė

“We don’t have problems that are placed very clearly in some area of ​​responsibility of a politician or an area, on that table. And if we fix that table there, it means that we are solving the problem. Most of the problems, even the same added value low, medium, science, research, school education, we can put it all together so that we are really talking about a creative nation that cannot design stools, but design and create a concept and for this, receive much more money than we are receiving now “emphasized the politician.

According to I. Šimonytė, in terms of qualitative changes, we have not gone very far in four years.

We used to take more advantage of the fact that the economic situation was favorable: we divided what it brought.

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Time of the event

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Time of the event

According to I. Šimonytė, due to the situation created by the coronavirus pandemic, the EU has created and is developing many financial instruments through which large financial resources can reach Lithuania.

In his opinion, we must ask ourselves how to ensure that it does not happen to a person who won a million in the lottery and gave gifts to his friends and returned to his original position without improving his quality of life.

“The temptation is very high, because people are tired of constantly talking about reform, people wake up. Reform is now seen not as a way to change thinking and acting, but as a way to share power and resources And, in fact, reform is not a redistribution of power and resources. This is simply a change in the way of thinking and acting, in the first place, “emphasized I. Šimonytė.

Reform is now seen not as a way to change thinking and acting, but as a way to share power and resources.

I will classify the candidates

TS-LKD has unveiled a list of candidates for this year’s Seimas elections in a multi-member constituency.

It will be classified by party members on June 28.

Photo from Mindaugas Mikulėnas / TTS-LKD discussion

Photo by Mindaugas Mikulėnas / TTS-LKD discussion “How did the pandemic policy change?”

The final list of conservative candidates in the multi-member constituency will be approved at the party council meeting in mid-July.
