Mayors appreciate Armonaitė’s proposal to limit services to the unvaccinated: treat their own worse than refugees


The Minister of Economy and Innovation, Aušrinė Armonaitė, said on Tuesday that additional restrictions could appear in the autumn for the population that did not agree to be vaccinated. According to her, unvaccinated people can be restricted from access to catering establishments, shops and access to some services.

Živilė Pinskuvienė

In assessing this, the mayor of the Širvintos district municipality, Živilė Pinskuvienė, claims that A. Armonaitė treats the citizens of his country worse than refugees, and considers whether in the future those who do not vote for the National-Democratic Union Lithuanian Christians (TS-LKD) will be able to get the necessary products.

“The current government welcomes refugees with outstretched arms, and it is possible that refugees are not vaccinated and have that right. As the media wrote, two or four migrants were vaccinated, others refused. Why are there no sanctions for They? They can dance against our people, against our people, with different demands. They may not be vaccinated, kakoti Y we are not return them to the food boxes to our chefs; there are no penalties for them.

Our unvaccinated people are threatened with being kept out of stores. I will not vote for the conservatives, I will probably not get bread and water ”, he is considering for the news portal

Artūras Visockas

Did the rulers begin to classify the people?

The mayor of Šiauliai Artūras Visockas believes that the rulers, who did not want to talk to the people in peace, began to solve them and according to him, this is a big problem.

Those losers and those losers. The losers are the ones who get vaccinated and the losers are the ones who don’t get vaccinated. The rulers have forgotten that when you push a person away from you, it will be even more difficult for you to talk to him in the future.

Now we want to reach people without talking about what is not clear to them. The government’s mistakes are so great that now there is no other way out, only to apply the principle of force, whatever it does, ”says A. Visockas.

The mayor also suggests that A. Armonaitė not dismiss statements that he does not fully explain right away, because it confuses people. In their opinion, information on sensitive topics should only be provided when all the details are known.

“People are starting to ask questions that they don’t have the answer to. Suppose there are many stores in supermarkets. Won’t you be allowed into the grocery store or pharmacy when you enter the supermarket? If you’re talking about stores in general, people are asking questions. In other words, you have to think about what you are doing and what you are saying so that it is logical that people do not have to ask additional questions, ”he emphasizes.

Constitutionalist Vytautas Sinkevičius, discussing these possible restrictions with the news portal, says that all applicable restrictions should be provided and evaluated according to how reasonable they are.

“I don’t think it is forbidden to enter the store without the Opportunity Passport, because it would be disproportionate, but if it is not allowed to enter the exhibition, concert, disco without it, then such restrictions are possible and would be fully proportionate. Each restriction must be evaluated individually, if it is justified, if it is not too severe or if the same objective can be achieved by less restrictive means.

There must be a reasonable proportion between the social and constitutional objective pursued: to protect society from the spread of the virus and the like. Measures that go beyond what is necessary to achieve a socially justified objective should not be used, ”he says.

Aušrinė Armonaitė

I would not support the idea of ​​vaccinating against COVID-19 anywhere

The news portal has already written that A. Armonaitė is also in favor of people getting vaccinated in as many places as possible, such as bars or beaches.

“I am in favor, we can talk to the Ministry of Health, vaccinate in bars, on the beaches, everywhere, I am in favor,” said the minister.

A. Visockas raises the question of who was subject to high hygiene requirements at the beginning of vaccination by installing not only vaccination booths, but also vaccination centers, if now it is proposed to vaccinate people anywhere, “even on the street “.

“It just came to our attention then. It has been clear for a long time that vaccination is not a complicated process, that it can be done both in the pharmacy and at work, because what is that here? It comes with a needle, a needle and a prick. patch. Who needs special conditions here? It was necessary to treat it from the beginning ”, says A. Viscokas.

Residents no longer want to be vaccinated: 6,000.  Only 200 free Moderna vaccines will be administered

Calls to consult with mayors

The mayors of both Širvintos district and Šiauliai municipalities are united; they assure that the Government must speak with the municipalities not only when it is too late, but also before solving the problems that have arisen.

“We, the mayors, we have our opinion, we do our job, we give people the opportunity to get vaccinated if they want. We need to talk to the people and the mayors about the possibilities, not to go back to TikTok immediately after the holidays, to say that they will not let you in the store, that they will not provide one or the other service. People are automatically opposed: the Klaipėda party is to blame, it’s something else, but it’s not like that, ”says Ž. Pinskuvienė.

“Now call without calling, people are opposed and an excessive group of people is being sent to the creek, so bringing them back to the coast would require a great effort that would take time. There is no time for that and the Government is beginning to understand it. ”Says A. Viscokas.

In the country, the first dose of the vaccine was vaccinated against coronavirus by 49.14%. population.
