Starting Monday: mandatory tests for employees in various areas.


Testing is also becoming mandatory for soldiers, employees of public administration entities, and people who will be working with illegal immigrants recently arriving in Lithuania.

Inspections will be required no more frequently than every seven and at least every ten days. For COVID-19 preventive examinations of employees, it is not necessary to contact a family doctor; registration for compulsory tests is possible through the platform. For the moment, this will be done with public funds.

If the mandatory periodic testing is refused or not performed for other reasons, the worker may be suspended without having to pay until the date of the contagious disease test.

According to the Ministry of Health, there may be a situation where the deadline for inspection is due to the employee being abroad, for example, carriers. In such cases, the necessary tests must be carried out upon return to Lithuania no later than 48 hours after arrival.

Deputy Health Minister Aušra Bilotienė-Motiejūnienė urges people to get vaccinated and thus contribute to “more effective management of the pandemic” and avoid periodic testing procedures.

The Ministry of Health, which initiated the changes, notes that the scope of mandatory periodic testing has been expanded to clarify new cases of the delta strain more quickly.
