Does everyone have to pay for refusing to vaccinate a part of the population?


Eugenijus Gentvilas, the largest of the Liberal Movement faction in the Seimas, believes that the paid tests would become an incentive for the population to choose an alternative to free vaccination. However, the politician emphasizes that vaccination should be available where COVID-19 testing is done.

Algirdas Sysas, the largest of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party faction in the Seimas, also has a similar opinion and emphasizes that not all taxpayers should pay for the decision of a part of the population to refuse vaccination.

Both politicians agree that mandatory testing could be considered without other incentives.

However, Agnė Širinskienė, a member of the Lithuanian Union of Peasants and Greens (LVŽS) faction in the Seimas, emphasizes that the population should be encouraged to get vaccinated through education, not through coercion or threats. The Seimas member believes that mandatory self-testing and mandatory vaccination restrict human rights. The politician is convinced that the authorities do not pay enough attention to social advertising directed at population groups that refuse to be vaccinated.

A. Širinskienė: Results must be achieved by educating people, not by coercion and intimidation

According to the peasant A. Širinskienė, the LVŽS faction in the Seimas is convinced that mandatory tests restrict human rights and should therefore not be applied.

“Both our group and other opposition groups have even asked the Constitutional Court to submit them to mandatory tests. And we are questioning the possibility that the NVSC and the ministry expand that list (mandatory test personnel – ELTA) because it obviously limits the human rights. And usually those restrictive things or at least the conditions for restriction should be established by law, but not by substantial regulation, “A. Širinskienė told Eltai.

The politician emphasizes that the rulers are beginning to talk about legitimizing the self-examination of unvaccinated people because they fail to create effective social advertising that motivates the population to get vaccinated.

“Both the (consideration – ELTA) mandatory testing fee and a kind of fine for not vaccinating people, and all those threats of not communicating with unvaccinated people, you could say that the rulers simply fail to motivate people to vaccinate. Social advertising, which would motivate skeptics and provide them with some information, has not been seen in practice lately, although the funds are really huge, ”said A. Širinskienė.

“I am no longer referring to areas inhabited by national minorities or ethnic communities where information in Russian or Polish is very difficult to access. And it has happened that people have heard the Sputink vaccine commercials on Russian or Belarusian channels and they just don’t trust European vaccines, “he added.

For this reason, the policy believes that the government has done nothing to encourage people in doubt to get vaccinated, although, according to her, it is this population group that is the main target of the vaccination campaign.

“It was necessary to convince this segment, which has now become a problem, that is, those who for some reason: out of ignorance, out of fear for their lives, because of some myths, apparently only out of fear of coming to get vaccinated. Now we want to handle the situation by force. It’s just that people feel intimidated, but generally we all know and experience for ourselves that when someone scares us, they want to resist even more, “he emphasized.

A. Širinskienė is convinced that, according to her, the “intimidation campaign” carried out by the rulers will not work.

The peasant emphasizes that the party takes the same critical position regarding the compulsory vaccination of certain groups of workers.

“Even during that period, our faction spoke out against compulsory vaccination, however, those results must be achieved by educating people and educating people,” said A. Širinskienė.

Certainly there have been cases in Slovakia itself, where they started to forcefully introduce vaccination, so there is also falsification of documents, people start to falsify the vaccination records of children. In this case, the state also suffers from the fact that it does not have objective information and from the fact that sooner or later the person will receive the vaccine and have been in contact with the virus, “he said.

E. Gentville: An alternative should be offered: a free vaccine or a test for money.

Eugenijus Gentvilas, the largest of the liberal faction in the Seimas, says that the possibility of taxing unvaccinated people is positive.

“It just came to our notice then. When the Opportunity Passport option was considered in April, which states that if the pre-launch trial to get the Opportunity Passport is missed, I suggested that you do the trial yourself. If a person wants to go to have fun, so why does the Lithuanian state have to pay for a person’s desire to go have fun when others had not yet received vaccines at that time, because there were no vaccines? ”E. Gentvilas told Eltai.

“It just came to our knowledge then. There is no shortage of vaccines now for whoever wants to, they get vaccinated. In April they wanted to get vaccinated, there was no vaccination, now there are too many vaccines. This is a person who has not yet been vaccinated, but wants to do all of the same way as those responsible who are vaccinated. That is what I say of course, that you have to anticipate that you will have to pay later, “he emphasized.

The politician believes that everyone who comes to get tested for COVID-19 should be offered an alternative: free vaccination in the same place.

“I suggest presenting it in a positive light. That sounds like financial punishment. I suggest that everyone who has not been vaccinated say: either a free vaccine or a test for money. As an alternative and let the man choose. And it is not that a person has come to be tested and please pay because they are not vaccinated. No, you must be offered on-site testing and vaccination in parallel. Then it will be an alternative, “said E. Gentvilas.

“The tests are carried out by people with medical training, those people with medical training are really capable of injecting as well. This would also expand the number of vaccination sites, and the possibility of vaccination will definitely be more attractive to a person,” he also said. politician believes that self-financed tests would certainly be an incentive for part of the population to get vaccinated.

“I think it will be an incentive for some people. Certainly not all of them are anti-vaccines that have not yet been vaccinated. But they are just eyes full of fear, scared, created legends,” he said.

E. Gentvilas recognized that in the face of a pandemic, the possibility of mandatory vaccinations should be considered. Still, according to the politician, this should be seen as a last resort when all other measures are not working.

“Everything that needs to be taken into account when there is a global pandemic and people die. But let’s leave that for the last option. We have to test this alternative, which I offer, testing the possibility of payment, and if it is already a disaster, then I understand that it is inevitable like a conscription in the army ”, emphasized E. Gentvilas.

Sys: Why do all taxpayers have to pay for someone’s pleasure?

Algirdas Sysas, the eldest of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party faction in the Seimas, takes a similar position. Politicians are convinced that taxpayers should not pay for the tests of people who refuse to get vaccinated.

“I think if we want to deal with a pandemic, but people don’t get vaccinated against incomprehensible things when there is a vaccine, that’s why all taxpayers should pay for someone’s pleasure. We pay for the pleasures. In this case, I think there is simply no other way, the vaccine is free, and if a person does not want to be vaccinated, they should pay and do the test, ”A. Sysas told Eltai.

A member of Seimas is of the opinion that employees working in the field of services that are not subject to mandatory testing must also pay for the tests with their own funds.

“It just came to our attention then. Or we will close again for many years and we will sit apart again,” said the politician.

The politician is also convinced that such an arrangement would encourage the population to get vaccinated.

“I think everything encourages, if a person looks in their pocket, then they start counting and choosing,” Sys said.

“Public health and people’s desire to be different cannot be built here. Everything has to be paid for being different,” he added.

Mr. Sys also believes that mandatory vaccination can be considered if the population remains sluggish.

“I think it might be worth considering because nowadays some specialties are required to make certain vaccines, otherwise those workers can’t work. This is also the case here, I don’t think it comes out without compromise here. We are against the construction of society and the individual. In other words, if a person does not want to be vaccinated, they may not be able to perform certain functions or perform certain jobs that require contact with many people, ”said the politician.
