Lazdijai district mayor fears migrants: there may come a day or an hour when riots will break out


“Incidents have been avoided, at least in Lazdijai, but we already feel that the limit is very close to being exceeded,” A. Miškinienė told a government meeting in the shadow of the Lithuanian Union of Greens and Peasants on Thursday.

According to the district mayor, poor living conditions can provoke migrants.

“They have been closed for a long time, there are certain health problems. They are not happy with the food they receive, they want its diversity, they want mobile phones, they want more freedom. There is definitely some difference between cultures, religions, between inhabited people.

In the long term, if the problems remain unresolved and if your accommodation remains long-term in a small area, there is a serious risk that security is not guaranteed. The day or hour when there will be more or less disturbances is really conceivable that it will come ”, feared A. Miškinienė.

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PHOTO GALLERY. Migrants in Lithuania

Dissatisfaction can also increase

The border guards who detain them also acknowledge that some migrants are dissatisfied with their living conditions. According to Giedrius Mišutis, a representative of the State Border Guard Service, migrants seeking a better life in the West simply did not expect the same living conditions they received in Lithuania.

“Clearly, people did not think much about the intermediate end of this trip. For them, it is unexpected, for them it is the stress, the money paid, the conditions are clearly not the best that the state can provide.

Now, it is clear that when the Alien Registration Center is crowded and housed in premises that are not adapted – schools or gyms, where dozens of mattresses are stacked in a space – there is such dissatisfaction that it has not yet turned into riots or riots. . It can be understood. But here is the path chosen by them ”, said G. Mišutis a little earlier on

Three-digit number of new migrants

According to preliminary data, another 110 migrants from Belarus who crossed the border illegally were detained by border guards last day, the State Border Guard Service said on Thursday.

Among the detained foreigners, 92 presented themselves as Iraqi citizens or had Iraqi documents.

According to SBGS, 2,338 illegal immigrants from Belarus tried to enter Lithuania this year. This figure is 29 times higher than in 2020. In July, border guards detained 1,567 migrants. There were 473 in June, 77 in May, 70 in April, and 8 in March.

Among those arrested on the border with Belarus this year are mostly Iraqi citizens or foreigners who have presented themselves before them: 1307. 184 Congolese, 123 Cameroonians, 78 Guineans, 74 Iranians, 72 Afghans, 71 Russians, have also been arrested. 69 Syrians and other citizens.

Since the beginning of the year, according to preliminary data, most of the migrants were detained in the municipality of Druskininkai – 575. 531 foreigners illegally arrived from Belarus were detained in the Šalčininkai district, Varėna – 410, Ignalina – 385, Švenčionys – 199, Lazdijai – 153.

According to border guards, a large part of the detainees seek to enter Western European countries through Lithuania.

Lithuania has declared an emergency situation due to the influx of illegal immigrants.
