The COVID-19 situation in Lithuania is deteriorating: there are already 5 “red” municipalities


According to the latest statistical data, the city of Palanga and the municipality of the Kretinga district are already entering zone C1 (when in 14 days the number of new cases per 100 thousand inhabitants reaches 150-200, and the proportion of positive tests within 7 days is 0-4%).

Palanga shot to second place with 115.7, Kretinga third (104.5), Klaipeda (138.2) remains in first place.

At that time, Šilutė and Rietavas belong to the red epidemiological zone C2, when the number of new cases reaches 150-200, and the proportion of positive studies, up to 10%. The number of new cases in Šilutė district reaches 102.5 and the proportion of positive tests is 5.1 percent. In Rietavas, the first indicator is lower: 69.7, but the positive proportion of research reaches 4.4 percent.

In 8 municipalities 2 weeks. the number of new cases is still 0.

Statistics Department data

About 200 cases again

Last day, 193 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Lithuania and one person died from the disease, the Statistics Department reported on Thursday.

Number of new cases in 14 days 100 thousand. population increased to 45.1, the proportion of positive diagnostic tests per day increased to 1.5 percent.

In the country, 6,056 molecular tests (PCR) and 3,423 antigens were performed for suspected coronavirus.

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has affected 280 thousand people. The number of 296 people, of whom were still ill, increased to 1,164 per day.

A total of 4,408 people died from the disease, with 9,04 deaths directly and indirectly related to COVID-19.

Dust: We should monitor other indicators more closely

Despite the growing number of new cases of COVID-19 infection, experts note that this should not be the most important indicator to assess a pandemic situation.

“What we would like to emphasize the most is that we should now more closely monitor other indicators at a time when countries that already have vaccines are vaccinated by large communities. This is the situation in hospitals, hospitalization rates, the number of seriously ill patients, the situation in resuscitation beds, ”said Minister Arūnas Dulkys after the Government meeting.

As he pointed out, this analysis is ongoing and today these figures are still very small.

According to Loreta Ašoklienė, the country’s chief epidemiologist, explained to, if the number of hospitalizations were to increase again, we would have to go back to the already known restriction measures. In the first place, apparently to restrict the flows in the points of sale and service by providing square meters per person, tightening other measures such as safety distance, hand disinfection, etc.

“Additional restrictions would also be proposed for events, especially those that take place indoors. It is also possible to limit the working hours of public catering establishments. It is important to emphasize that this does not mean that it is planned to ban or close everything again. That means a return to certain restrictions on the management of the flow of people and meetings, “he said.

Preparing to consider new measures

Next week, the Cabinet of Ministers intends to sit down to consider measures to curb the increasing incidence of COVID-19 in Lithuania and how to encourage the country’s population to get vaccinated. The Minister of Health does not hide the intention to change the privileges granted by the Opportunity Passport.

Despite the increasing incidence of COVID-19, the minister calls the concept of “quarantine” a word from the past.

“It seems to me that this is a dictionary of the past. I don’t seem to know if the word ‘quarantine’ is worth arguing with. Now it is necessary to look at the content of the specific measures that we apply, because many of the measures that we are currently applying when there is a state of emergency, but they were also in quarantine ”, emphasized A. Dulkys.

Speaking about the quarantine regime, A. Dulkys argued that certain restrictions can only wait for the unvaccinated population.

“If someone wants to talk about a pandemic, obviously it must be emphasized that it is not a pandemic in general, but a pandemic of unvaccinated people.” If you want to talk to someone in Lithuania about the quarantine or quarantine status, let’s start with the fact that it is the quarantine of those who have not been vaccinated,

Almost 8,000 people were vaccinated for the first time per day. people

A total of 12,000 people were vaccinated against the coronavirus last day. 672 people: 7,804 of them received the first and 4,868 of them the second dose of the vaccine, the Department of Statistics reported on Thursday.

In the country, at least one dose of COVID-19 has been administered to 1 million people. 324 thousand 591 people, both – 1 million. 121 thousand 656.

At least one dose of the vaccine was administered in 55% of the patients. more than 80, 69.6 percent. – population between 75 and 79 years old, 72.1%. – 70-74 years of population and 70.9 percent. – population from 65 to 69 years old.

In the 55 to 64 age group, 60.8% are vaccinated; in the 45 to 54 age group, 54.9%; in the age group 35 to 44 years, 53.5%; in the 25 to 34 age group, 46.2%. 16 – in the 24-year-old group – 44.3 percent. population. 12 percent of children ages 12 to 15 were vaccinated.

These values ​​increased by several tenths of a percentage point per day.

In Lithuania, 47.4% have received at least one coronavirus vaccine. people: 0.3 percentage points more than a day before.

In total, Lithuania has received 3 million. 338,755 doses of vaccine, of which 2 million were used. 446 thousand 247 doses.

Currently unused more than 892.5 thousand. vaccine dose.
