Homemade lemon lemonade that everyone will like: you will only need three ingredients


Popularity is determined by nutrition

“Although a lemon is probably eaten infrequently, this fruit can be used a lot in cooking. It is the versatility and nutritional properties of lemon that ensure its place among the most popular fruits: they are rich in vitamins and minerals, lemon consumption stimulates digestion and is especially suitable for those who nourish their body lines ”, says Ernesta Dapkienė, Director of the Department of Communication and Image of Lithuania Maxima.

Equivalent to superfood

At the time, Brigita Baratinskaitė, head of Maxima’s Food Production Department, points out that it is worth choosing regular and green lemons for various dishes and drinks not only for the taste of these fruits, but also for their nutritional properties, the statement said. press said.



“Probably since childhood, many people know that lemon is rich in vitamin C, which is very important for the body’s immune function and skin health. However, vitamin C is not the only benefit of these fruits. Lemons are also rich in vitamin B6, potassium, and dietary fiber. They also contain important antioxidants that reduce the risk of cancer. Also, lemons are considered a well-tolerated fruit and allergic reactions are quite rare. Not for nothing are they classified as superfoods because of their health benefits, ”says B. Baratinskaitė.

For those who want to take advantage of the nutritional and flavor properties of lemon, B. Baratinskaitė offers to try a homemade lemon lemonade recipe.

Homemade lemon lemonade

On a hot summer day, a glass of cold lemon lemonade can become a real escape. Especially since it doesn’t take a lot of effort to make such a drink. This will require: 1 glass of lemon juice (4-6 lemons), 1 glass of water (syrup), 1 glass of sugar, 2-3 glasses of water (to dilute).

To prepare such a lemonade, you must first prepare the syrup in a small pan: the sugar is heated with water until all the sugar has dissolved and the mixture begins to cook slowly. While the syrup is boiling, squeeze 4-6 lemon juice into a separate container. Grated lemon peel can be added to boiling syrup to give the lemonade a more intense lemon flavor. After the syrup has boiled, the peel is kept for a while and then removed.

Homemade lemon lemonade

Homemade lemon lemonade

“Finally, we mix the syrup with lemon juice and pour it into a pitcher or other container, and then we dilute the resulting mixture with water. If we want a less intense flavor, we can add more water to the lemonade. The sweetness of the drink can also be adjusted by adding more lemon juice. It is best to serve the lemonade cold with ice, and this combination will perfectly revive a hot summer day, ”says B. Baratinskaitė.

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