The offer to tell the unvaccinated to pay for treatment is already arousing passions: it may be necessary to place 1,700 to 134,000. euros


At a press conference on Monday, Vilnius Mayor R. Šimašius assured him that he was surprised that the much higher costs of treating people who had not deliberately received the vaccine were paid by the people. who received the vaccine. .

“It seems to me that this should be reviewed and a lot of things should be put in place so that people are responsible for their own decisions,” suggested R. Šimašius.

The fact that COVID-19 treatment costs taxpayers a lot is confirmed by the Health Insurance Fund. The average cost of treating a patient in a hospital is 1,700 euros. With artificial lung ventilation, the treatment becomes more expensive from 5 to 33 thousand. euros. And if a more complex treatment is needed, 134 thousand. euros.

Although such high costs can be avoided with vaccination against the coronavirus, the chairman of the Health Affairs Committee of the Seimas, Antanas Matulas, says that an offer to people who have not received the vaccine not to pay for treatment at the Seimas will not would receive support.

“Some MPs have also tried to legitimize such circumstances in the sense that if you are injured and suffered a disaster while intoxicated, you provide the necessary assistance free of charge and then you have to pay. This was not accepted and I do not categorically support the proposal of my colleague R. Šimašius ”, assured the parliamentarian.

The chairman of the Seimas Law and Order Committee, Stasys Šedbaras, thinks otherwise.

“It is possible to discuss this issue within certain limits. Once the Seimas has adopted such a provision, it can immediately request it to the Constitutional Court (CC) and even before the entry into force of the law, the CC would say if such provisions are possible That path is also possible, “said the LNK politician.

The attorneys interviewed have no doubt that an unvaccinated person would win a court if he appealed a claim to pay for treatment, as such an obligation would be illegal.

“It would be against the law in any case, we have to look at the proportionality of the decision.” And this is precisely the case: the decision not to vaccinate must be absolutely inseparable from other issues when providing the necessary medical care, ”said lawyer Vilius Mačiulaitis.

The former president of CC Vytautas Sinkevičius is categorical: the requirement that people who have not received the vaccine pay for the treatment would violate the Constitution.

“The Constitution guarantees the fundamental human right: if you get sick, the state guarantees you medical care. And the scope of free medical care is determined by law. But you cannot discriminate against people based on whether they caused the disease or acted irresponsibly and made them sick, ”said V. Sinkevičius.

People have different opinions about whether people who have not had the vaccine should pay for treatment.

“Yes, if you are so hostile, I don’t like that thing. We have to listen to the authorities,” said a Vilnius resident.

Another woman recalled that treatment in Lithuania is equally free.

“It just came to our attention then. But paying so tight with your own funds would be a painful part for people. After all, workers also have the opportunity to receive that free treatment,” said a Vilnius resident.

An unvaccinated man claimed that a coronavirus would agree to pay for treatment.

“If there was no way out, I could, I would pay,” said the man. But after hearing the possible cost of treatment, the interlocutor changed his mind: he will go to get vaccinated.

At present, almost a million doses of vaccines have not been used in Lithuania. Almost 15,000 doses of the vaccine were dispensed in July alone due to expiration.
