At the Ramūnas Karbauskis party, as on a chessboard


At the congress held in Naisiai, the Baltic Arena, on Saturday, R. Karbauskis did not attack to justify that the peasants who had lost power after the Seimas elections were forced to retreat to the trenches of the opposition. The politician not only reached out to the burning parties, but also further strengthened his power in the party.

Probably the main education of R. Karbauskis was the card of family values ​​drawn by him. By comparing the LVSS with the last frontier and at the same time preserving these values, the president of the party received the support of an absolute majority of peasants: they raised their hands in search of solutions that would be useful to the magician.

The resolution was not taken into account

The Congress delegates approved the new wording of the LSSA Statutes, which establishes the general election of the President, which will be possible remotely. It was also decided that a person with at least four years of experience in party activities could become president.

The president-elect will submit to Congress for approval the deputies who will form the board of directors.

This will further strengthen R. Karbauskis’s influence in the match.

Benius Rūtelionis, Mantas Černiauskas, Antanas Baura, Tomas Tomilinas and 17 other party members warned the chairmen of the LVŽS Lazdijai, Plungė, Anykščiai and Vilnius divisions that statute amendments could foster authoritarianism in the resolution presented to congress. .

However, this resolution was not even included in the congress agenda, and T.

“In the direct election of the party president, five times as many parties would vote, and we would not have people on the board who would oppose the president and the line they took in voting for him. The team must be willing to help the manager, and that is It is impossible to work with a substitute, with whom I cannot find a common language in terms of values ​​”, explained R. Karbauskis.

Asked by Tomilin, who disagreed with him, the peasant magician replied that it was just a person shouting: “We have an attitude towards the traditional family. Dissidents can seek other parties. Tomilin came up with the idea that the party should be liberal. If you want it, there is the Liberal Movement, the Freedom Party. “

Knocks – to a door

Most of the congressional delegates bowed to the magician in their speeches.

Bronis Rope MEP was pleased that the party has a backbone, values ​​and is trying to implement them. After proposing to vote in favor of the amendments to the statutes, B. Rope rhetorically asked: “Who is the president if he is not allowed to elect deputies?”

Seimas member Robertas Šarknickas doubted how much democracy there is when several beat up almost 5,000 LVŽS members. According to the politician, “if we become liberal, we will disappear because others will take our place.”

Vitalija Jankauskaitė-Milčiuvienė, a member of the LVŽS council, declared that there are no conservatives or social democrats in Lithuania, only liberals from the right and left: “Our essential elements are based on fundamental values. It is a family, a healthy lifestyle. It hurts when you talk about things you have and don’t have. “

Arminas Mockevičius from Marijampolė stated that some members are beginning to choose the benefits of advertising over party values: We are in favor of the traditional family, and we perceive it as a union of a man and a woman, and we do not want to change that course ”.

T. Tililin also received that support. Dominykas Tutkus, representative of the Anykščiai branch, claimed that LVŽS had become one of the most radical political forces and called the peasants’ treatment of a colleague with a different opinion as a witch hunt. This speech was accompanied by both applause and shouts of outrage.

He reproached the management

Tomilin himself recalled that the party unites people, not ladies: “We are united by common values, but we have the right to discuss how to implement them.” , was not invited to the congress Homophobic demonstrations.

The politician also questioned whether sincere peasants supported former Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, accused the party leadership of “pushing and overthrowing” his former partner Rima Baškienė and dealing with his former ally Virginia Vingrien.

“Instead of looking for tangible solutions to create prosperity for society, as we did as rulers, we encourage destruction, we incite the anger of the people, which does not generate value.

In addition, a simple and convenient option is offered: strengthen the monopoly in the party and deal with dissent, be it one by one or even entire divisions, ”said T. Tomilinas.

Threatened with being expelled from the faction.

R. Karbauskis, who started his speech, immediately declared that there are no irreplaceable people.

“The dispute is not personal, it is valuable. If the direction is changed, we will go where we have no place. Only the observance of values ​​allowed us to recover after the unsuccessful elections to the Seimas of 2012 and then brought us to power, ”said R. Karbauskis.

The party president recalled that up to three members of the group voted in favor of the Association Law: “This proposal was rejected by a majority of few votes. They needed to know what his voice meant.

We must say that those who will vote in favor of that law in the fall have no place in our Group.

We are the last wall, the last pillar to preserve family values. “

The congress has already debated the municipal elections to be held in 2023. R. Karbauskis proposed to appoint Aurelijus Veryga for the mayors of Kaunas, and Dainius Gaižauskas for Marijampolė.

“Our grades are high, we have good prospects. We have to win for the people of Lithuania,” said the farmer guide.

The rulers shot arrows of criticism

The participants of the LVŽS congress, who did not spare criticism of the current government, passed several resolutions.

“LVŽS urges the ruling majority to put an end to the division and resistance of Lithuanian society, to abandon controversial projects against the traditional family or the traditional perception of gender (association such as legalization of family law, ratification of the Istanbul Convention), not to seek the decriminalization of drugs, reduction of alcohol consumption, not to increase taxes, not to introduce new ones, also in agriculture “, says the approved resolution.

Governors were urged “to focus together not on culture wars, but on economic, social, health and educational issues and the prevention of illegal migration.”

“We are always ready to cooperate, but we will never accept the abandonment of values, the despicable distribution of the Lithuanian people or the creation of economic conditions that undermine the inherent dignity of the human being,” the resolution reads.

According to the peasants, the current political majority has tended to destroy traditional values ​​during the last six months, which has opposed the already in crisis society that has already been hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

According to LVŽS, the rulers avoided dealing with “issues of security, economic well-being, education and health that will determine the survival of the nation.”
