Various body signals warn you that your heart is not healthy – advised how to help you


The body’s signals are a souffle of heart problems.

“A person needs to develop the habit of tracking their health changes and reacting to them immediately. Broken blood vessels, enlarged veins, swollen legs, pain in the heart area, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, headache, shortness of breath, exercise intolerance – all this indicates that the body’s cardiovascular system needs help says R. Blyn.

Pharmacist R. Blyn points out that people often do not realize the harm they do to themselves by avoiding regular prevention and asking for help only when the pain afflicting their body becomes unbearable. Ailments that are often implicated in the hand eventually turn into serious heart problems, costing the person more money and health. One of the most serious cardiovascular diseases, heart failure, is the result of such careless human behavior.

Rimvydas blynas

Rimvydas blynas

© „Camellia“

Everyone can help themselves

In Lithuania, 240 thousand are determined annually. new cases of cardiovascular disease, but the number of diagnoses of these diseases could be significantly reduced with a little effort, changing the diet or enriching it with essential omega fatty acids.

Unlike some of the vitamins (group B and vitamin K) that are synthesized in our intestines, omega acids cannot be produced by the human body on its own. As a result, they must get them from food or supplements for them to work well.

“Properly balancing your diet is a great challenge. This is often not possible for a number of reasons that lead to individual difficulties, so it is important to enrich your diet with dietary supplements that strengthen the heart and improve heart function. Fish oil, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, is one of them, ”says R. Blyn.

The correct amount of omega-3 mobilizes the protection of the heart

Omega-3 fatty acids lower cholesterol and blood pressure in the body, maintain elasticity of blood vessel walls, and regulate heart rate, thus preventing vasoconstriction and heart rhythm disorders.



The pharmacist points out that to achieve the aforementioned positive effects on the cardiovascular system, when choosing fish oil, it is important to pay attention to the amount of EPR and DHR indicated on the label: the concentration of these omega-3 fatty acids. acids in the preparation determines the benefits.

The pharmacist adds that the recommended daily dose of omega-3 is between 500 mg and 1000 mg.

“When choosing fish oil, you should find out the concentration of these acids in a capsule or 5 ml of liquid. If fish oil is consumed in too low a dose or for a short time, no positive effects on the heart can be expected. The function that strengthens the circulatory system is activated only when the body receives the required dose of omega fatty acids, ”says R. Blyn.

The Camellia pharmacist points out that the benefits of consuming fish oil for the human body do not depend on the time of year. To positively affect the cardiovascular system and maintain such effects for a long time, fish oil should be consumed at least 3 months 2-3 times a year. This long-term process must also be tailored to individual human interests – the use of fish oil with its favorite texture and flavor properties.

Associative photo.

Associative photo.

Summer heat is the enemy of the heart

According to the pharmacist, in the hot season it is important not to overheat, not to be exposed to direct sunlight without a helmet, and to drink plenty of water. When a person sweats, the minerals necessary for the heart (potassium and magnesium) are eliminated from their body. If you tend to be outdoors in the summer, engage in active outdoor physical activity, and sweat a lot, R. Blyn advises using these minerals prophylactically.

“Potassium and magnesium are especially important for the activity of the heart muscle and their deficiency is the most common cause of heart rhythm disorders. To restore the balance of trace elements lost in the body, you need to drink a lot of water, at least 1, 5-2.5 liters per day. It is worth mentioning that during the summer heat, if a person does not drink as much fluids as they need, their blood thickens. The omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in fish oil slightly thin the blood and they help the heart to fight the heat ”, remembers the pharmacist R. Blyn.

Start taking care of your health and enriching your diet, it is never too late. Anyone who wants to enjoy health and quality of life for as long as possible should start with simple things: move more, try to provide the body with all the necessary substances, and listen to what the body wants to say.

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