authorities face a difficult autumn, I. Šimonyte will have to accept the challenge of criticism


And this criticism, according to the political scientist, will only grow, because in autumn the authorities will have to defend themselves from another wave of pandemics and face the crisis of illegal immigrants.

“To date, the changes in the ratings, although LVŽS came out first, are very insignificant, less than 3 percent. So far, we only have a slight and weak trend that is likely to stabilize and possibly change. It will all depend on how political parties prepare for the fall.

LVŽS, although in the first place, we do not see any effective movement, an action that would really mark the energy of this party and the desire to win the political party. Today, the increase in the audience of LVŽS only means that society is much more critical of the rulers, ”said L. Bielinis on the Lietuvos Rytas Nauja Diena television program.

Can the rulers lose even more favor?

LVŽS would support 14.8 percent in the elections. respondents, TS-LKD – 13.5 percent, shows the portal at the end of June a survey was commissioned from Spinter Research.

The third is the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) (9.9%), the fourth is the Liberal Movement (7.1%) and the fifth is the Freedom Party (5.5%). The Labor Party would be supported by 4.1 percent, Lithuania’s Polish electoral campaign – the Union of Christian Families – by 1.8 percent. 17.3 percent. states that they would not vote and 18% not determined.

All changes in ratings from the prior month occurred within the margin of error. The biggest change was registered in LSDP’s ratings: it would be supported by 2.7 percentage points more respondents.

The political scientist L. Bielinis affirms that the same phenomenon always occurs: the parties in power receive more criticism and complaints because they are more visible, active and active. According to him, that is why we can notice changes in the first places in the qualification table.

“Probably the LVS went up in the first place not because they tried, but because criticism of the rulers undermined their (TS-LKD, – past aut.) ratings and retired to the background ”, explained the political scientist.

He predicted that criticism of those in power will continue to rise due to mounting challenges. In turn, LVŽS, according to L. Bielinis, must act more actively, and not only use the mistakes of the opponents, because everything can quickly turn upside down.

“Those are the challenges, and we will probably have to wait for a new wave of coronavirus. Obviously, with the migrants it will not be so easy to put together the whole problem and solve it. Therefore, I think that the criticism of the rulers will be serious enough, the public will continue to make claims, which means that rulers can generally be more favorable to themselves, and the LVŽS can stay first.

But again, let’s not forget that being in first place with nothing to do and taking advantage of mistakes or criticism from opponents is not yet a victory. It’s just a change in the situation that can turn upside down very quickly, “he warned.

When evaluating the establishment of the LSDP in the first three most popular parties, the political scientist emphasized that the greatest effect was given by the activity in the election of the new party president. But this political force should also show more energy and brighten your face.

“The rise that we are seeing now is an activity that took place a month and a half ago in the game itself. An activity linked to internal transformation, a discussion of what kind of leader the party should lead, after all, with the position of the new leader, his image strong enough and understanding with what the public supports.

That change is, we can fix it, but the election is over, the leader has been elected, and if you continue to use just that, that rating will not remain as it is now, it will fall. You must act constructively, clearly showing your face, your goals, your opportunities, and ultimately your energy, your desire to win. To date, the LSDP does not demonstrate that energy, ”said L. Bielinis.

I. Šimonytė faced the wave of criticism

The survey data shows that Ingrida Šimonytė is considered the best Prime Minister: the current Prime Minister is rated well at 22.6%. surveyed. The second on the list is the former prime minister, the leader of the opposition Saulius Skvernelis, the third is the president of the Social Democrats Vilija Blinkevičiūtė. Support for all three policies increased slightly, but the change was also within the margin of error.

In May, 38.1% of those surveyed evaluated the Government positively or rather positively; in June, this figure reached 37.6%.

“The fate of the prime ministers in Lithuania, as well as all over the world, is quite complicated. The prime ministers are responsible for everything that happens, for the whole farm, for all the problems, for the claims that arise between the people. The prime ministers are to blame for all this, because they are responsible for all of Lithuania’s life.

I. Šimonyte will have to accept the whole challenge of criticism for himself and will not want to act in the conditions that are now, that is, in the conditions of criticism. On the other hand, we see that that rating has moved quite weakly. And this means that the majority of society looks at it with sufficient stability, evaluates it with sufficient favor.

Today, we can say that Šimonytė weathered the wave of criticism quite well and its rating should be assessed as good enough, ”concluded L. Bielinis.
