9-year-old mother seriously injured: “After hitting my son, the taxi driver called him even more, he cared more about the car”


When asked to remember what happened on the fateful September 1, 2019, Ilona Grigienė of Kaunas recounted the fact that her son, who was attending third grade, was used to being as independent as possible for half a year at the time : – also. For both an object and the next, the child only had to cross a crosswalk. Parents decided to teach their children independence because he encouraged them to do so with the child’s teacher. Until then, the boy was carried everywhere by the mother.

Two open leg fractures were identified, a three-centimeter deep wound in the bone. Without a helmet, the consequences would be tragic.

That day was Sunday. A celebration of the beginning of science expected in the morning. The ill Ilona was taken to the hospital by a man, and her son was going to the park with a scooter at the time. By wearing a helmet he was taught to cross the street. Suddenly, the couple received a call from the boy’s phone number: a stranger spoke and informed Ilona that their son had just been hit in the crosswalk. The parents of the injured boy rushed to the scene of the car accident, later to the Kaunas clinics, where the son’s operation was performed.

Kaunas County Police Photo / A minor was shot at a crosswalk in Kaunas

Kaunas County Police Photo / A minor was shot at a crosswalk in Kaunas

“Two open leg fractures were found, a three-centimeter deep wound to the bone. Without a helmet, the consequences would be tragic. Until then, my son had not been ill with anything, we visited the doctors just to get a certificate for the school, “Ilona recalled.

The boy was released from the hospital after 5 days, but a long healing process awaited him, which has not ended today. While caring for her son, Ilona did not go to work for 2.5 months: the child was unable to walk, serve, was in pain at that time, had to wear bandages every day, during which special bandages were used, waited, and rehabilitated. The bones did not heal for half a year and three more ulcers appeared on the boy’s injured leg. He slept restlessly at night, according to Ilona, ​​”jumping out of bed,” so he needed the help of a psychologist and neurologist, and prescribed psychotropic drugs.

“The bones could not heal on their own: the osteosynthesis nails. The detached fragment did not stick, so recently, on June 18, a second operation was performed: remove that fragment. My son is still surviving due to this event, limping, It can’t be what it was: can’t play, run, go swimming. His leg hurts, he doesn’t bend it. Bandages will be required 2 or 3 times a week. After the second operation, the nervous dye intensified and the son he’s still afraid to walk alone down the hall, ”Ilona opened.

Photo of Ilona / Ilona with her son before the disaster.

Photo of Ilona Reader / Ilona with her son before the disaster.

First aid was not provided by the culprit

The woman learned that her son had received first aid at the scene of the accident and that the soldiers had called doctors. It was they who stopped in the first lane at the crosswalk to miss a boy who had started crossing the street according to all the rules of the road and looked around or no one was coming.

He, while Ilona recited the words of the witnesses, did not drive the scooter, he carefully pushed it to his side. Another car stopped behind the soldiers, so there was no lack of witnesses. However, the nine-year-old boy did not cross the street safely, was hit by a taxi that came in the second lane, and did not stop at the crosswalk.

The author never took pity, asked the court to acquit him completely, blamed everything around him, only himself.

“The driver did not stop. The car stopped 6 meters from the intersection after the impact. In court, he claimed to have driven home after the shift. His testimony changed. At first he claimed that he had seen the boy, who had jumped into the scooter to the crossing, which had been hindered by poles, lights and other cars, which could not stop at the crossing or behind the crossing. Later he claimed that he had not seen the boy, that the boy was moving too fast, that he had hit the car. But there were 4 witnesses who confirmed that the boy had gotten off the scooter, that he had looked around, “Ilona said.

According to her, the perpetrator never sympathized, asked the court to acquit him completely, blamed everything around him, only himself. However, his words, according to the interlocutor, are refuted by the testimony of four witnesses.

Photo of the reader Ilona / Ilona's son after the second operation

Photo of the reader Ilona / Ilona’s son after the second operation

Seeing the accused in court, the boy cried

The dissatisfied woman also continued to be a judge. This case was to be heard by the Kaunas District Court, but it turned out that the perpetrator’s daughter was working as the clerk of the court judge, who was originally assigned to hear the case. For this reason, the documents went to Jonava’s court. The parents of the injured boy had to apply for work and go to meetings, so no one has paid them so far.

“My son was to be questioned in court in another room, but he met the accused. When she saw it, she cried. The court failed to secure conditions for them not to meet. Judges was completely uninteresting. And her son was interviewed without me, only with a psychologist. There was also a child rights specialist at the hearing.

A meeting took place in my absence, in front of my eyes. In that hearing, to which I was not summoned, it was decided that I could not be recognized as a victim in this case, so my civil action, in which I requested the award of 7 thousand. non-pecuniary damage was rejected. Supposedly, the mother has to go through what happened, that’s normal. On behalf of the son, he was asked to sentence 35,000. compensation for non-pecuniary damages, but awarded the boy just over 3,000. euros The second operation carried out on the son for the insurance company also turned out to be “none of that”. A second operation is supposed to be normal.

There was a lot to fight with the insurance agents. They even discussed why you needed to buy a mat for classes at home. Supposedly why a child can’t play sports alone on the floor. I suggested that your children exercise with the wounds on the floor. After the accident, my son had a leg, he had to train on weekends, when there was no physical therapy, so we did the exercises at home ”, the woman was surprised by the cynicism of the insurers.

Court vows to appeal decision

The Jonava Chamber of the Kaunas District Court made a decision in this case last week, found Kęstutis Vaitkai guilty of violating the Road Traffic Rules, a traffic accident caused on September 1 of last year, during which the A minor’s health was seriously injured. The court imposed a fine of 3,500 euros on K. Vaitkus. He was also disqualified from driving for a year. In imposing the sentence, the court took into account the fact that the accused, to the judge’s knowledge, had not been previously convicted, had a valid administrative penalty, was driving sober and had committed a negligent crime.

Instead of asking 35 thousand. only 3,450 euros were awarded in non-pecuniary damages.

This crime is punishable by a fine or arrest, or imprisonment of up to five years, so if she does not agree with said judicial decision, Ilona promises to appeal it, not satisfied with the moment when the accused lost his right to drive, the amount of the fine or she was recognized as the victim and her son was ordered to pay only € 3,450 for all the suffering.

“If he had felt bad, he sincerely apologized, he helped my son, it could have been different … After all, everything happens, of course. You can look, for example, at navigation. But if you maliciously ask to be absolved and Keep blaming the boy, who supposedly had to watch where he was going … The man did not regret causing serious bodily injury to the boy. Jumping out of the car did not require medical attention, he did not go to the boy for help, but only started yelling that the boy is to blame for damaging his car. He called the injured boy! And during the trial, he worried about the car, not the child’s health. In court, and his wife yelled that our son was guilty.

I don’t wonder why this happened to us, my son. “My son is not the only one to have experienced such an accident due to an irresponsible driver,” said Ilona.

When asked if the son remembers what happened that day, the woman replied that the boy only remembers that the driver who hit him yelled at him, accusing him of damaging the car.

“Then we realized that I would not be able to walk normally again.” It is a very difficult period … ”Ilona continued.

He also blamed his parents

15 minutes after the publication of the Kaunas District Court A notice of the judicial decision sent by the Chamber of JonavaThere have been several comments accusing Ilona of child neglect.

What is the easiest guilt? Driver. And nobody cares that the child is not taken care of, “was one of the comments.

He called the injured boy! And during the trial, he worried about the car, not the child’s health.

When asked if the opinions of those people were offended during the family tragedy, the interlocutor assured that the boy had been treated, he was in no hurry to judge those who write accusatory comments; Those people, according to Ilona, ​​simply did not experience what it means to survive a similar tragedy.

“People’s attitudes will not change until something similar happens, I want something. Until I feel what is happening when I need to see your child differently than it has been until now. After all, a dwarf grandmother, or a woman in a wheelchair, I could have crossed the crossing. That day, my son crossed my mother in a wheelchair. What if the wheelchair was the first to advance? This could have happened to many people, “Ilona asked rhetorical questions.
