In Lithuania: 75 new cases of infection, no deaths from COVID-19


Number of new cases in 14 days 100 thousand. population increased to 28.2, the proportion of positive diagnostic tests per day increased to 1 percent.

5662 molecular tests (PCR) and 4608 of antigens were carried out in the country due to suspicion of coronavirus.

A total of 279 thousand COVID-19 patients in Lithuania have contracted since the beginning of the pandemic. 662 people, of which the number still sick increased to 746.

A total of 4,404 people died from the disease, with 8,988 deaths directly and indirectly related to COVID-19.

The businessmen say they would not survive another quarantine. Residents fear the next quarantine will come earlier than last year. In such a situation, please move on to the vaccination situation. His finger also pierced the “antivax”.

52 COVID-19 patients are treated in hospitals, eight of whom are in resuscitation

Lithuanian hospitals are currently treating 52 COVID-19 patients, eight of them in resuscitation, the Statistics Department announced on Sunday.

In addition, 39 people are supplied with oxygen, and five patients receive artificial lung ventilation.

Six people were hospitalized for COVID-19 per day.

More than 1.8 thousand people received the first vaccine against COVID-19. people

Last day, 1,843 people received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine and 1,255 people received the second, the Statistics Department said Sunday.

In the country, COVID-19 has been used to vaccinate at least 304 thousand 43 people, both – 1 million. 105,312.

At least one dose of the vaccine was 54.8%. more than 80, 69.4 percent. – population between 75 and 79 years old, 71.9%. – 70-74 years of population and 70.6 percent. – population from 65 to 69 years old.

In the 55-64 age group, 60% are vaccinated, in the 45-54 age group – 53.9%, in the 35-44 age group – 52.3%, in the age 25-34 – 45.2%, in the group of 16– Group of 24 years: 43.3 percent. population. 11 percent of children ages 12 to 15 were vaccinated.

In Lithuania, 46.6% have received at least one coronavirus vaccine. people.

In total, Lithuania has received 3 million. 233 thousand 455 doses of vaccine, of which 2 million were used. 409 thousand 355 doses.

Currently unused more than 824.1 thousand. vaccine dose.

14.4 thousand tons were taken to Lithuania. AstraZeneca Vaccine Dosage

14.4 thousand tons were delivered to Lithuania on Friday. AstraZeneca vaccines against COVID-19 doses. According to the Ministry of Health, this is the 21st batch of vaccines from this manufacturer.

The new shipment will be stored in the warehouse of the Sanitary Emergencies Center until the vaccines previously delivered are distributed to the municipalities.

Vaccines are distributed to municipalities according to their population and vaccination rate. Municipalities are informed in advance of the expected amounts of vaccines that will be administered to them to organize the vaccination process smoothly.

In Lithuania, 1.29 million people have already been vaccinated with one or two doses of the vaccine. population or 46.4 percent. society.

Another 19 cases of the delta strain were identified.

Another 19 cases of delta (Indian) strains were detected in Lithuania this week, the National Public Health Laboratory (NSPL) reported on Friday.

Another 87 cases of the alpha (or British) strain were also identified.

In the laboratory of the Kaunas Clinics of the Lithuanian Health Sciences Hospital, 28 samples were examined, of which 20 cases belonged to the alpha variant and eight to the delta variant.

In the laboratory of the Santara Clinics of the Vilnius University Hospital, 82 samples were examined, of which 67 cases belonged to the alpha variant and 11 cases to the delta variant.

The list of affected countries increases the number of countries to which more stringent requirements apply.

Following the update of the list of affected countries on Friday, which goes into effect on Monday, July 19, even more countries have been assigned to the red and gray areas. The same COVID-19 pandemic management measures for travelers remain in effect as last week.

The Ministry of Health recalls that it is necessary to bring a negative result of the COVID-19 test and isolate it for 10 days upon arrival from the countries classified as red and gray. Isolation can be shortened no earlier than the seventh day of PCR isolation and negative.

Those who come from the countries belonging to the yellow zone are not isolated, but these people must bring a negative test result and perform a second PCR test within 3-5 days of arrival in Lithuania.

Arrivals from countries within the green zone are only required to present a negative test result.

Ask for punishment of “antivax”

Agitation against vaccines should be seen as harm to society and state, therefore individuals should be held accountable for it, said Professor Vytautas Landsbergis at the meeting of the Council of the National Christian Democratic Union of Lithuania (TS -LKD) on Saturday.

“Until now, as a state, we did not classify these phenomena as criminal acts. We are friendly and polite here. Perhaps we too will suffer as a result. We do not restrict not only those tendencies, but also intentional agitation activities by force of law and order. Although it could be done. For example, agitation to not vaccinate should be seen as harm to society and the state. I would like this to be understood at the political and government level. The Seimas must act in this state, in a state of war, because we are at war, “warned V. Landsbergis.

The professor asked if the state was really doing its best to counter the “antiviral virus.”

TS-LKD President Gabriel Landsbergis argued that a discussion should take place on tougher measures against non-vaccinators.

Vilnius is trying to increase the vaccination rate

When the summer is so hot and the holiday season, vaccination in Vilnius is organized more conveniently, closer to Vilnius homes. The vaccination bus, which is popular with residents, continues its journey and will arrive at three locations next week: Doctors will work in Salininkai near Maxima, near the Akropolis shopping center and BIG store. As before, vaccination on the bus will take place without registration.

It was reported that the bus reached 3 districts and another vaccination point was opened.
