He showed those places in Klaipeda where all of Lithuania should meet


The new Melnrage Park attracts romance

When Lithuanians travel by sea, they first think of Palanga, Nida or Šventoji. But why not about Klaipeda? After all, it is this city that has the most beaches and the most diverse. From very loud and full of entertainment, to quite quiet, even wild. Klaipeda is like a catalog of beaches, where each visitor can choose according to their hobbies. Or you can spend each holiday in a different place: Smiltyne, Melnrage, Giruliai.

He showed those places in Klaipeda where all of Lithuania should meet

© Orijus Gasanovas

I decided to show you Melnrage, the most popular stretch of the Klaipeda coast, where there is always a lot of people and movement. From the city center you can drive here in fifteen minutes and there are also buses. Regular visitors to this beach rejoice that western innovations are emerging here. For example, completely free, the only sports club in our country on the seashore.

He showed those places in Klaipeda where all of Lithuania should meet

© Orijus Gasanovas

There are many parks, parks and squares in Klaipeda, but one of them is special, one that no other Lithuanian city has. Imagine what it would be like to combine a park with a beach? You can not only see the result, but also taste it: this is the new Melnrage Park, where hundreds of romantic seekers gather on the weekends.

He showed those places in Klaipeda where all of Lithuania should meet

© Orijus Gasanovas

The most fashionable place in Klaipeda this year.

Elegant and high-quality restaurants are opening one after another in Melnrage. “White Seal” is one of them. This place, which opened a few years ago and became popular immediately, is not paying off for customers. It’s a bit quieter during the day, but the more guests at night, the more guests. The manager of the restaurant Dainora Vaitekunaitė says that to get a table at sunset, a reservation is necessary.

He showed those places in Klaipeda where all of Lithuania should meet

© Orijus Gasanovas

Next to “Balto ruono” you will find another cafe “Come eat” located by the sea. The owners of this place started their business from a coffee vending cart, the circle of their customers was constantly expanding, the number of coffee lovers came here, so they decided that they needed to have a place and prepare not only drinks, but also desserts and appetizers.

He showed those places in Klaipeda where all of Lithuania should meet

© Orijus Gasanovas

And now about the trendiest spot in Klaipeda this year, social media is exploding with food and interior photos taken here.

He showed those places in Klaipeda where all of Lithuania should meet

© Orijus Gasanovas

This is a new, very bright and exclusive restaurant “Toli nuo klasikos”. Here come people who like good food and collect culinary experiences from all over Lithuania. Tables are sometimes reserved a week or even two in advance.

Interestingly, for many years now there has been a rather sad video cafe here and little is known about it. But creative people came and created a true miracle.

He showed those places in Klaipeda where all of Lithuania should meet

© Orijus Gasanovas

The restaurant’s founder, food blogger Lina Žilevičė, designed her restaurant in such a way that all guests would feel as if they were not in an ordinary catering establishment, but as if they were visiting a family home, where there is always a good mood. and enthusiasm for cooking delicious food.

More in the last section of Orijus Travels. Season 2, 28 shows.

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