Interactive tick distribution map: if you find a tick, mark this location Life


As summer speeds up, we spend more and more time in nature. Rest is a real refreshment not only after the cold season, but also after three months of quarantine. So we dream of lying on the grass by the lake or at least taking a walk in the forest park. And what about the next berry season! There really is something to do in nature.

However, experts warn against caution in the wild, as the warm climate is an excellent habitat for mites, found almost everywhere in the country, not only in forests and grasslands, but also in urban grasslands. A soggy tick would be a problem if we did not know that ticks in Lithuania transmit diseases with extremely dangerous complications: tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease. It is not for nothing that tourists traveling to our country are recommended to be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine for Lyme disease.

How to protect yourself from ticks and the diseases they transmit, and what to do when a tick infects you 15 minutes We will provide more information on the portal, and now we present an interactive map of the prevalence of ticks and encourage you to mark the area where the tick was found, seen, or, God forbid, absorbed it. Share this information with others, remember all the dangers that lurk in nature and the need to protect yourself from it. Let’s protect our health and that of others!

You can find the map here
