82 new cases of coronavirus were reported, but deaths were avoided


During the last day, 82 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Lithuania. In total, COVID-19 has already been registered in the country for 279,572 people. There are currently 716 patients.

No patients died Thursday. The virus has already claimed 4,404 victims in Lithuania.

Incidence of coronavirus infection in the last 14 days 100 thousand. the population reaches 26.2 cases.

Under the European Union’s common color system, which imposes stricter or softer restrictions on travelers, Lithuania remains in the green zone for the time being, when minimum movement restrictions apply.

The Lithuanian color system is based on the number of new cases per 100,000. population in 14 days and a proportion of positive tests in 7 days. It was approved in February of this year as a quarantine release plan.

A green scenario or is valid when 100 thousand. the population represents less than 25 cases and the proportion of positive tests is less than 4 percent.

Lithuania entered on June 30.

Scenario B or yellow is divided into B1 when there are 25-50 boxes per 100,000. population, less than 4 percent. positive tests, and B2 when 100 thousand. the population is 50 to 100 cases.

Currently, Lithuania has 26.2 cases per 100,000 cases. population in 14 days, and the proportion of positive tests – 0.9 percent.

There are also scenarios C or red and D – black, where the number of cases exceeds 100 and 500 cases per 100,000. population.

In the past, these color indicators have been associated with specific restrictions and exemptions, but more recently, government officials have emphasized that the stricter measures will be linked primarily to hospital employment.

268,277 people have already recovered from COVID-19. 30 people recovered on the last day.

6539 people were vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine on Thursday.

The second dose of the vaccine was received by 4,048 people on Thursday.

In Lithuania, 198,055 people were vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine.

A total of 1,097,743 have already been vaccinated with the second dose of the vaccine.

Total fully vaccinated population: 1,163,807.

In Lithuania, 2,393,541 vaccines have already been used.

5338 PCR samples were analyzed during the previous day. A total of 3,337,047 samples have already been analyzed.

Vaccinated people will have more freedom

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys says that if quarantine is needed in Lithuania, vaccinated people will have more freedom.

“We are now at a stage where we do not have the right to ignore half of the Lithuanian population that has been vaccinated, and they also have the right to ask that the same measures can no longer be used. We want to live a normal life, ”said the minister during his visit to Palanga on Thursday.

“In all cases, things like the passport of opportunity, some other opportunity, obviously have to be different,” he added.

On Thursday, A. Dulkys will visit the vaccination sites of Klaipėda, Kretinga and Palanga, in addition to meeting with the mayors of these municipalities, discussing the vaccination and testing processes.

Speaking to journalists, the minister stressed that “the same vision as in previous pandemic waves” can no longer be used in the country.

“One wave of the pandemic was when there was no experience, knowledge, vaccines, tests, nothing. We have already met the next wave without vaccines, but already with tests. Now we have vaccines, the tests mean that a different kit should work here, ”said A. Dulkys.

He said that “we should not only look at the increase in the number of cases, but what are the consequences of those cases.”

“This means the degree of hospitalization, the severity of the patients, how crowded the health care system or the ability to live with it,” the minister said.

Encouraged to travel more responsibly

Tourists returning from abroad should voluntarily isolate themselves to ensure that no more contagious strains of coronavirus are spread in Lithuania, says Aurelija Žvirblienė, a professor at the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center.

He noted that families often travel with children. Parents are vaccinated, but children under 12 are known to be vaccinated. even that cannot be vaccinated. Therefore, according to the professor, the risk of recovering varieties is very high.

“Therefore, people must behave in a very responsible manner and must isolate themselves for at least 10 days when they return from abroad. I doubt that this is acceptable to everyone during the summer,” the professor considered.

Warned about virus strains

The Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) warned this Thursday of the expected worldwide spread of new strains of COVID-19, which would further complicate the fight against the pandemic.

“The pandemic is far from over,” the committee said in a statement.

It emphasizes that “there is a high probability that potentially more dangerous and worrisome new varieties will emerge and spread around the world, which may be even more difficult to control.”
