The dust does not preclude stricter measures, but mandatory vaccination will not yet be available


When asked how he plans to respond to the growing number of COVID-19 infections, the minister said the strategy is being prepared.

“We are considering, looking at the criteria, we are considering scenarios and we are currently discussing this at the inter-institutional level. We see it as a whole, because the country’s economy also supports it. And the main difference is that we can no longer use the same vision that we had during the previous pandemic waves.

One wave of the pandemic was when there was no evidence of experience, knowledge or vaccines. We have already met the next wave without vaccines, but already with tests. Now that we have vaccines, testing means that a different set must work here, ”he told reporters in Palanga.

Not everyone would be quarantined

A. Dulkys emphasized that new cases are not the main indicator.

“We must not only look at the increase in the number of cases, but what consequences they have, that is, the level of hospitalizations, the severity of the patients, how the health system is filled, what they can live with. Because the message is this: it can become a constant companion in life and we have to learn to live differently, ”he said.

If quarantine was needed in the fall, the minister said, it would be different.

“We are definitely at a stage where we no longer have the right to ignore half of the Lithuanian population who have been vaccinated. They also have the right to question that the same tools can no longer be used. We want to live a normal life. Clearly, naturally, those who do not throw contribute to the good of the state, those who vaccinate, advise others, help us to solve this problem.

And in all cases, things like the passport of opportunity, some other possibility, it is clear that it must be different. We haven’t reached that stage yet, “said A. Dulkys.

He cautioned that some tests could become paid.

However, he did not hide that if the threats to the health of the entire society and the interests of the state continue to grow, it is also about the national security of the state.

“It just came to our attention then. If there are more of these bunnies, other measures may need to be considered,” the minister said.

He recalled that one of the measures already adopted was the extension of the mandatory tests for certain groups of employees yesterday.

“But I also say openly: testing costs money. And I understand that while we are fighting a great wave of pandemics, it is in our interest that the state finance it. But when the state has a more efficient method, it is proposed and not wanted to use It is very natural that we begin to argue that in some cases the tests must be paid for ”, warned A. Dulkys.

He also asked that the children get vaccinated

At the same time, he asked to consult with family and other doctors when deciding to vaccinate children, as this would also make a significant contribution to stopping the spread of infection before the fall.

“I can say with my personal example that I did not have to convince my children. My daughter called herself, she just couldn’t be alone, but not because she was indecisive, but when she was a minor she couldn’t. This is the message: believe me, children can contribute to the creation of their state, let us understand that children carry, spread the virus.

And here I return to that element of concern: the fact that some groups in society find it easier to deal with the virus, that we connect because it may be easier for us because we endure, but we transmit the virus to those groups that can not being able to resist. And it is very important to receive both vaccines ”, said the head of SAM.
