A 33-year-old nurse fell ill with a prolonged stroke even after being vaccinated: she thinks these types of cases will increase


This viral illness is characterized by symptoms that last at least three weeks, but can sometimes be felt even after a few months. Kern said her symptoms only get worse over time.

First, he was shivering with cold, he felt weak, so he shortened his working hours. A. Kern was tested for the coronavirus in Detroit, USA, then began to experience extreme fatigue even after the slightest physical activity, such as easy running or even walking.

In May, A. Kern recorded his pulse doing his usual morning chores: eating breakfast, brushing teeth, washing dishes. His heart contracted 130 times a minute. Usually, I only recorded that pulse while exercising. Symptoms such as increased heart rate and fatigue are very common in people with “prolonged healing.”

In late May, after his hospital shifts, A. Kern could barely move, Business Insider wrote.

“I remember waking up one morning knowing that I needed to drink water and eat, but I was so tired that I started to wonder if I would really be able to do that,” she said. “I finally crawled from my bed to the refrigerator.”

Although she was working remotely, the woman wanted to ask for more time off. But at the same time, she learned that her workplace had started to reduce the number of nurses and that this job was her main source of income.

When her life completely changed, Kern reached out to a support group for people with a “long struggle.” There he met several people who also fell ill with coronavirus more than two weeks after vaccination and have not yet recovered. But those people are just units.

There are currently no reliable data to estimate the number of people who develop a ‘long-term vaccination’ after vaccination, but the chances of developing such a disease are low.

A report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, released in May, says that only one in 10,000 vaccinated Americans develops coronavirus. And UK researchers estimated last year that around 10% of people might have a “long fight.” Individuals infected with Covid-19.

“So the chances of having a ‘long fight’ after being vaccinated are very low,” said Bob Wachter, chairman of the medical department at the University of California, San Francisco, Business Widerer.

Still, he said, “Now I’m sure it can happen. But I doubt it can be one in a million.”

“You feel very guilty, do you think about what I did wrong?”

Due to his job, the risk of coronavirus infection before his vaccination was very high, so he always wore all protective equipment during shifts.

“Before returning to my apartment, I took off all my clothes, put my uniform in a bag and cleaned everything that I had not brought inside with water, bleach and alcohol,” said the nurse. “I didn’t even wear a coat last April, even though it was still cold because I just didn’t want to deal with it later.”

He then received his first dose of Pfizer, the BioNTech vaccine, in December.

“I felt relief flood my body. I thought, “Okay, I’ve survived,” Kern said.

However, after four months, an unvaccinated colleague became infected with coronavirus. He didn’t like wearing the mask, Kern said.

Less than a week later, Kern began to feel tired. She believes the vaccine has helped her avoid much more serious consequences, but she is still worried about doing something wrong.

“You feel very guilty, do you think I did wrong?” How could I be more careful? The woman asked.

Of course, no coronavirus vaccine is 100%. effective. Even the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines may provide less protection against new strains of the virus.

“The chances of these diseases are real,” Wachter said.

He added that people who contract a mild form of coronavirus after vaccination may feel worse even a few months after infection. “Or maybe even a year, we just don’t know,” said the expert.

Kern said it was still hard for him to believe that it was safe to return to normal activities. You are concerned that your well-being in the near future will not allow you to return to work.

“I have been working almost nonstop since the coronavirus pandemic,” he said. – It wouldn’t have happened if it had given me time to breathe. But it happened as it happened. “
